By Judith Briles If you were planning a book launch or marketing campaign this spring, most likely, either has been turned upside down. Sure, you were planning on online pushing out … but, you were probably working on gatherings—whether in sites to bring in friends or...
By Judith Briles You may have been overloaded with a tsunami of activities and gatherings personally and professionally as last year came to an end. Most authors I know were. It’s another new year, and another new decade; how about a new you? Are you ready to...
By Judith Briles Welcome to the new world of publishing where the “self-published” author isn’t scorned … unless the book looks crappy—it’s the first essential bridge to cross. Where the book looks professionally created, and not botched on the layout, cover design,...
By Shelley Sturgeon Here at The Book Designer, we are blessed with amazing contributing writers and, of course, YOU, our wonderful readers! In the January tradition of reviewing the previous year’s accomplishments, today I’d like to invite you to take a...
By Judith Briles It’s the end of the year … you are a few days from moving forward into a new year; a new writing cycle; and a new publishing cycle; a new book marketing cycle; and an expansion of YOU in your author cycle. Did you get done what you wanted to get done...