Memorial Day in the U.S.A.

Memorial Day in the U.S.A.

Today is Memorial Day, a national holiday in the U.S. when we remenber those who died while serving in the armed forces. It’s a day of barbecues, parades, the laying of wreaths, veterans and scouts in uniform, picnics, and sporting events. True Americana. But I...
The Convertible Cloud: Ebook Conversion Online

The Convertible Cloud: Ebook Conversion Online

Previously, I’ve compared some of the computer apps that you can use to convert your manuscript into an ebook. This month I’ll talk about online conversion tools — all of the ones I’m going to discuss are attached to the retailers and distributors that you are going...
Why a PDF Isn’t an Ebook

Why a PDF Isn’t an Ebook

When I started my series on ebook conversion, the first post was What IS an Ebook. I made the point that, for my purposes and those of the series, an ebook was an ePub file — what I called a website in a box. A couple of the commenters pointed out that a PDF was also...