Today is Memorial Day, a national holiday in the U.S. when we remenber those who died while serving in the armed forces. It’s a day of barbecues, parades, the laying of wreaths, veterans and scouts in uniform, picnics, and sporting events. True Americana.
But I know many readers reside in other countries, so instead of my usual Monday post, here are some of my favorite recent articles from this year.
They are informative, some are controversial, and each spurred a spirited discussion. The authors represent the variety of voices of book publishing professionals with something to offer indie author. I’m very proud to feature them here.
If you missed any of these articles, today might be the day to catch up:
Recent Favorite Posts on The Book Designer
7 Book Marketing Trends Authors Can’t Afford to Ignore by Kimberley Grabas
“To help guide the development of your book marketing strategy, here’s a list of seven relevant and significant marketing trends that should not be overlooked.”
Amazon Giveth, Amazon Taketh Away and Now… Amazon Giveth Again! by Amy Collins
“Amazon is launching AMS, Amazon Marketing Services. giving self-publishing authors access to marketing programs previously reserved for Amazon’s bigger vendors.”
Copyediting: It Doesn’t End With Your Manuscript by Arlene Miller
“A review of how copyeditors different from proofreaders, and what else indie authors need to do when they get their manuscripts back from editing before they are printed.”
The Importance of Keywords to Ranking Your Book on Amazon by Dave Chesson
“Self-publishers don’t realize that Amazon, like Google, uses a search engine to find, and list its books. A powerful marketing tactic for authors is to ensure their book reaches the top of that search list.”
Is Book Perfection in Your Midst? by Judith Briles
“Could the reaching for the holy grail of perfection be really a shield and excuse to not go forward or to complete that book you are currently working on?”
Instagram Primer for Indie Authors by Frances Caballo
“Instagram had 400 million monthly active users and captured the attention of 20% of all Internet users as of March 2016 and can be a strategic application for indie authors to use.”
Avast! Piracy and the Self-Publisher by David Kudler
“There are sites and apps that indulge in piracy and “share” intellectual property illegally. So what does this mean to the self-publisher?”
Photo credit: New York National Guard via photopin (license)