Fancy Free: Some Fun CSS Tricks for Ebooks

Fancy Free: Some Fun CSS Tricks for Ebooks

By David Kudler Since some readers asked for practical examples of CSS tricks for ebooks, I thought I’d share some of my favorites. These examples presume that you’ve got a working understanding of how to use Cascading Style Sheets to make beautiful ebooks. If you...
Pulling It Together: Editing Your Ebook

Pulling It Together: Editing Your Ebook

By David Kudler It’s ebook time again! This time, we’re going to look at how to use the information and skills I’ve been giving you to make your ebook look the way you want it to. At this point you’ve: decided to create your own ebook, rather than have someone else do...
Elements of Style: CSS for Ebooks #2

Elements of Style: CSS for Ebooks #2

This is the twelfth in my on-going series of posts here on ebook creation; it’s also the second on the subject of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Last time, we talked about how (and where) to add CSS in order to define how the HTML that makes up an ebook will look. This...
Speaking in Code: Ebook HTML basics

Speaking in Code: Ebook HTML basics

If, as I keep saying, an ebook is just a website in a box, then in order to know how to get in and edit your ebook, you’re going to want to know some HTML. However you choose to work on the file, knowing the basic building blocks is essential in creating a finished...