Just as April showers can bring May flowers, knowledge and hard work can bring indie author success. Check out this week’s selection of great articles on self-publishing, social media, editing, marketing and blogging that are listed below.
Porter Anderson on Publishing Perspectives
A Big Market Report: ‘Largest Cultural Industry in Europe’
“Earlier this month, the Federation of European Publishers (FEP) released the 2017 edition of its The Book Sector in Europe: Facts and Figures report.”
Nina Amir on How to Blog a Book
The One Thing You Must Do to Achieve Your Blogging Goals
“How often do you achieve your blogging goals—always, occasionally, or never? If you didn’t answer “always,” the reason you don’t achieve your goals more often can be explained in one word: you.”
Sandra Beckwith on Build Book Buzz
Facebook advertising for authors: A quick-start guide
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking? … I’m thinking that advertising on Facebook could be a good strategy for many authors.”
Lisa Tener on Lisa Tener
Editing Tips: 7 Smart Ways to Tighten Your Writing
“Many times, writers aren’t quite sure where to start when editing a manuscript. “Tighten your writing” is one of my favorite starting points.”
Dan Blank on We Grow Media
My New Social Media Manifesto
“I have seen many guides of how to start using social media. But recently I have found myself in a place where I have been on social media for years, but have fallen out of love with some aspects of it.”
Self-Publishing News You Can Use
By Amy Collins
Ingram Spark Waives Title Setup Fees
Ingram Spark announced last week that from now until 30th April 2017, IngramSpark will waive title setup fees. Set up your title(s) in any formats and your set up fees will be waived.
Links of Interest
Photo: pixabay.com