The Book Designer

How to Make a Book Trailer: Your Step-by-Step Guide

How to Make a Book Trailer: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you’re choosing to go the self publishing route or the traditional publishing route, you’re going to end up doing a lot of your own marketing. Sometimes, writers can get a little offended at the business side of this job—it’s art, after all, and writers tend...

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How to Launch a Book: It Takes a Village

How to Launch a Book: It Takes a Village

Figuring out how to launch a book in today's saturated market requires a blend of creativity, strategy, and community support. Recognizing the importance of networking can transform your book launch from a solitary endeavor to a collective journey, ensuring your work...

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Best Ways to Publish a Book: 4 Paths to Consider

Best Ways to Publish a Book: 4 Paths to Consider

Okay, you’ve sweated over your manuscript, you’re finished with your re-writes, and it’s time to leave the dark of the writer’s solitude for the bright, wide-open world of readers just waiting for your book. But how will you get your book into print? What are the best...

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Proper Manuscript Format Will Set Up Your Book for Success

Proper Manuscript Format Will Set Up Your Book for Success

Whether you’re looking to self-publish or want to seek out a traditional publisher, knowing the proper manuscript format can help set your book up for success. Having the right manuscript format makes manuscript review, editing and event formatting easier. Look at it...

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Understanding the Importance of Back Matter in Books

Understanding the Importance of Back Matter in Books

When diving into the world of books, we often focus on the captivating narratives and insightful information found within their pages. Yet, there's a hidden gem that often goes unnoticed but is equally crucial to the reader's experience: the back matter. This...

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