Lots of talk this week in many places about e-book pricing and we have more for you today, along with a new metric for self-publishers, how to drive traffic to your author blog, and a high-level look at publishing and self-publishing. Take it for a spin.
Joanna Penn on The Creative Penn
Why I Sell My Novel For 99 Cents
“It is a low risk buy and if someone enjoys the sample, they don’t even need to think about clicking when the price is under $1. I want those readers to try me as well.”
Mark Barrett on Ditchwalk
The Ditchwalk Self-Publishing Scale
“In order to talk about self-publishing with any legitimacy we need a way to differentiate among self-publishers that is meaningful and objective. For that reason I created the Ditchwalk Self-Publishing Scale, which uses rising levels of production complexity to categorize self-published authors.”
Tony Eldridge on Marketing Tips for Authors
9 Non-Technical Tips To Finding Readers For Your Blog
“I want to share non-technical tips to finding readers for your blog. If you’re like me, then these are the tips you can grab hold of first as your grow in your ability to put on the more technical hats of blogging.”
Liz Alexander on The Book Doula
Pricing Books: Free or Not Free Is Not The Only Question
“Authors working with commercial publishing houses left the pricing of books up to the “experts”. It never occurred to me to get involved in how my publishers did this. . . Now as an Indie author I’m having to figure out what to charge for my books. Here’s my rationale…let me know what you think.”
G. Hugh Bodell on Self-Publishing Review
When Does Self-Publishing Becoming Publishing Through an Independent Publisher?
“if you start to take on more and more of the underlying tasks of the eight functions noted above you wake up one morning and your ‘self publishing’ adventure has morphed into an Author who happens to have an ownership interest in their Independent Publisher.”
Book Launch and Blog News
The fun just goes on and on. I’ve been very lucky to start receiving some great reviews for A Self-Publisher’s Companion this week. Here are the highlights:
- A Close Look at Joel Friedlander’s “booked blog”
on Write Nonfiction Now! by Nina Amir
“Like his blog, Joel’s book is extremely easy to read. Written in a friendly, down-to-earth tone of voice, as you turn the pages you feel like a friend is offering you personal advice on self-publishing. . . I highly recommend the book.” - Get Help Self-Publishing A Book To Build Your Personal Brand
on Personal Branding by Roger C. Parker
“If you’re an entrepreneur looking for ideas and help in writing and self-publishing a book to build your personal brand: Joel Friedlander’s A Self-Publisher’s Companion: Expert Advice for Authors Who Want to Publish from TheBookDesigner.com is an excellent starting point.” - Book Reviews: A Self-Publisher’s Companion by Joel Friedlander
on Review Broads by Ava and Zippy
“Joel Friedlander’s book is invaluable in setting the tone, and reaching his audience of the newly established and radically changing world of self-publishing.”
I’ve also set up a new page for these reviews as an extension of my online media kit.
And speaking of e-book prices, now that the launch month has come to an end, I’m planning on dropping the price of my Kindle and Nook editions from $8.99 to $4.99. I don’t think nonfiction is immune to the price pressure exerted by the strong feelings of e-book buyers, and it’s time to find out if this is a significant factor in sales of this nonfiction title. Expect more reports.
(These books are off sale as I type this while the price change goes into effect. Although they may be live by the time you’re reading it. If you want to find out, go ahead and click through and see if the book is available.)
Tomorrow I’ll have an interview for you with Susan Daffron and James Byrd, who are running the Self-Publisher’s Online Conference that starts next week. I wanted to get the inside story for readers so you can have as much information on this event as possible. So make sure to catch the interview for yourself. And thanks for reading!
Photo by pjern