When Casey Demchak—who has written very helpful articles for the blog in the past—described to me his approach to book marketing, I thought it was a genius idea. You see, Casey is a professional copywriter and an expert on helping authors position and promote their books with effective marketing copy.
I asked Casey to spell out what he meant, and here is his article. (See the end of the article to register for a free webinar in which Casey will take us much deeper into how to use this breakthrough concept that could revolutionize your own book marketing.)
By Casey Demchak
Congratulations! You’ve written—or you’re in the process of writing—a book that means the world to you. Whether it’s a novel, a children’s book, or a compelling non-fiction book, your next step is sharing it with the world.
Spreading the word about your book means writing dynamic promotional materials that will make it stand out among the many titles that are self-published every day.
The development of your core marketing message is the foundation of your book’s identity. This identity is forged by the voice, tone, imagery, and style you create with your words.
And, these words must be engaging, persuasive, and dynamic. They have to paint pictures, tell stories, move people emotionally . . . and motivate them to buy your book.
Achieving this with your message development is a must. Because your voice and message must be consistent and penetrating across every traditional and digital marketing channel.
This is especially true today, when marketing messages are streaming at your target market at warp speed.
It’s a Simple Fact
When your target audience is presented with unclear, inconsistent or muddled marketing messages about your book, they may instinctively say “no,” and move on.
However, creating consistent selling statements throughout your book’s marketing materials can be difficult. Especially when you’re under the gun to produce a sales landing page by the end of the day, and an email campaign by the end of the week—not to mention a book trailer video script that’s due ASAP.
Does this “no-time-to-think, gotta-get-it-done-now” scenario sound familiar?
Well, I have a secret tool that will assure your book marketing materials have consistent and strategically sound marketing messages across all your marketing channels.
The solution is a comprehensive Core Message Marketing Toolkit that includes a series of strong, benefit-driven selling statements about your book.
Your Secret Power Tool Defined
To put it in quick and concise terms:
A Core Message Marketing Toolkit is a comprehensive document—usually 15 to 20 pages—that includes compelling and dynamic marketing messages about your book.
Once completed, it serves as the master messaging document for your book, containing all the benefit-driven promotional messages for a wide range of marketing materials.
By creating and working from a Core Message Marketing Toolkit, you’re assured of having strong, consistent marketing messages for your book across all your marketing channels. Again, this is crucial because …
… Repetition of message builds reputation of your book!
I’ve written dozens of Core Message Marketing Toolkits, and no two have been set up and organized the same. However, the “typical” messaging platform I create for a book includes promotional copy for the following marketing materials:
- Slogans
- 30-second pitch copy
- Book back cover copy
- Amazon descriptions
- Website home page
- Website sales landing pages
- Website about the author page
- Website media contact page
- Media interview speaking points
- Promotional e-blasts
- Postcard copy
- Sales sheet copy
- Press releases
- Endorsement quotes
- Social media blurbs/tweets
Picture all these marketing materials bundled together in a 15- to 20-page document, and you have a Core Message Marketing Toolkit.
You have complete flexibility when organizing a Core Message Marketing Toolkit. The sections listed above can be mixed and matched, or added and subtracted to best meet your specific needs.
If you’ve written a book, you have a creative mind. So, feel free to be equally creative in how you shape and organize YOUR Core Message Marketing Toolkit.
When you include copy for all the marketing materials I’ve outlined above in your book’s Core Message Marketing Toolkit, you’ll have a robust collection of promotional copy that will make you feel excited and confident about marketing your book.
The Bottom Line Is This …
When your marketing messages have to be sharp and convincing, so they stand out in a highly-competitive marketplace, having a Core Message Marketing Toolkit for your book is a must.
Building and developing a complete Core Message Marketing Toolkit is a much more effective strategy than writing your marketing materials one at a time on a “make-it-up-as-you-go” basis.
Imagine the power you will have at your fingertips when you develop a thorough Core Message Marketing Toolkit for each book you write.
Suddenly, having consistent selling statements throughout your marketing campaign will be a much quicker and easier process.
This greatly increases the chances of making a positive impact on your target market. Core Message Marketing Toolkits really are the secret weapon to:
- Developing strong, consistent selling statements
- Creating a memorable, positive image for your book
- Touching your target audience on an emotional level
- Increasing the selling power of your marketing materials
- Raising your book’s market awareness to levels that exceed your expectations
Would you like to put this power tool to work for your book?
Join Joel Friedlander and I when we host a free webinar, How to Create Your Book’s Master Message Marketing Document, on Thursday, April, 20 2017, at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
You’ll learn how to shape, organize and build your own Core Message Marketing Toolkit. I’ll also reveal numerous promotional writing secrets that will give your book’s marketing materials the professional polish you need to stand out in the market.
Register for this webinar here: Webinar Registration Page
If the idea of having a Core Message Marketing Toolkit for your book sounds like a good idea, make sure you don’t miss this first-time-ever, valuable webinar.
Casey Demchak is an award-winning copywriter who has written marketing materials for dozens of authors who have achieved Amazon bestseller and international bestseller status. Learn more about him and sign up for his free, weekly sales writing updates at www.CaseyDemchak.com.
Photo: Mark Hunter