Saturday was the monthly meeting of the Bay Area Independent Publisher’s Association (BAIPA) and the featured speaker was Sallie Goetsch. She was accompanied by author and laywer Sandy Shepard, who expanded the presentation.
Together they used the process of turning Sandy’s blog posts into a book (Fempowerment: A Guide to Unleashing Your Inner Bond Girl) as a practical example for the presentation, which was titled How to Turn a Blogger Into an Author.
Sallie is a long-time blogger and ghostwriter with a background in classics and classical languages. She used the mind mapping process in her presentation to explain how she helped organize a huge mass of information into a manuscript.
Coincidentally, I was sitting in the audience working on my mind map of the meeting. As a recent convert to mind mapping, I’m still exploring the power and efficiency of this tool to help organize all sorts of content.
So today here’s a link to a PDF of the entire mind map of the meeting. I’ve also included a link to a download of the same information in outline form, something that most mind mapping software seems able to do.
The mind map was created in iThoughts, an iPad app, and exported to the excellent, free and open source FreeMind on my Macintosh, where I did the RTF export. I hope it gives you a flavor of the meeting.
BAIPA-September-2011Mind map PDF
BAIPA September 2011 RTF file