Promote your books while watching TV. Try doing one of these book promotion activities the next time you’re sitting still in front of your favorite show.
8 Ways to Make Your Book’s Press Release Work Harder
Authors serious about book marketing have a press release to help secure book publicity. Definitely use it for that purpose, but think bigger.
Let Your Characters Engage with Fans Online
If big brand fictional characters are active on social media, shouldn’t your characters use social media, too? Here are five reasons why I recommend it.
3 Fiction Marketing Success Tips for 2020
If you’re like most of us, one of your favorite options is asking for recommendations from friends and family who share your taste in fiction.
Promote Your Book with Local Collaborations
Local retailers, librarians, and reporters may be more open to a new author, but what about collaborating with a wider range of local businesses?
3 Ways to Get Past What’s Holding You Back
When I procrastinate about writing a blog post or an article for a client, I have to hit the “pause” button and think about what’s holding me back.
3 Ways to Get Your Dream Endorsement
Smart authors start thinking about endorsements, an important influencer’s seal of approval, well before their books are published.
Book Promotion as a Public Service
Book marketing isn’t about “blowing your own horn.” It’s about sharing information about your book. Making this mental shift is essential.
13 Ways to Use a Book Award for Marketing
When you win a book award, don’t just pose for a grip and grin at the awards banquet. Make sure your audience hears the good news, too.
Snag Book Publicity with a Roundup Article
You’ve seen a “roundup” article that made you think, “My book should have been included in that.” Here’s what you need to know to make that happen.
Use Expert Sources To Generate Local Book Publicity
Generate local market publicity for anyone you quoted or referenced in your nonfiction book using a fill-in-the-blanks press release template.
How to Sell More Books With Guest Blogging
There’s no question that guest blogging helps sell books. But it’s a powerful book marketing tactic for other reasons, too.