If you're an author, you've probably considered self publishing on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), the world's largest self-publishing platform. In this simple guide, we'll explain how to publish a book on Amazon in the fastest and easiest way. You'll see that...

P.J McNulty
Where to Find Free Audiobooks in 2024
Free audiobooks are an incredible resource for book lovers of every type. More and more people are discovering the joy of listening to an audiobook during their workout or commute with each passing year. Nothing beats the convenience of being able to listen to your...
Hemingway Editor Review: What You Need to Know for 2024
While tools like Grammarly can help you improve your grammar and spelling, Hemingway Editor focuses on other aspects of your writing: primarily your writing style and complexity. Read on to discover the specifics of what Hemingway Editor does and if it can help you...
Barnes and Noble Press Review: The Complete Guide for 2024
Barnes and Noble Press, formerly known as Nook Press, is an independent publishing platform with one of the most prestigious names in book retail behind it. But does Barnes and Noble Press have anything to offer beyond its brand name? What’s available at Barnes and...
What is a Preface? 6 Answers to Common Questions You Might Have
Some basic parts of a book are obvious. You likely know what a table of contents or dedication is. But what is an acknowledgement and what does it include? What is a preface? And how is that different than an introduction? It might not be glamorous or exciting, but...
A Revolutionary New Version of selfpublishing.com…
For years, we’ve prided ourselves at The Book Designer on proving the most useful resources to help you design great books. From practical design tips through to inspiration from famous covers, we’ve tried to include everything you need to design an attractive and...
The Best Slasher Books for Horror Design Tips
When you think of the slasher genre, what comes to mind? For most people, it will be the classic films of the genre such as Halloween or Friday the 13th. Of course, in recent years, the tropes and expectations of the genre have been played with by knowing...
11 Iconic Goosebumps Book Covers to Inspire You
Spooky stories attract rabid readers of all age groups. While many people will instantly think of adult horror authors such as Stephen King or Clive Barker when the horror genre comes to mind, authors that target a younger generation of horror fans shouldn’t be...
Book Cover Ideas: Inspiration for Your Book Cover Design from Bestsellers
If you are self-publishing a book, choosing the right book cover design is just one of the many choices you will have to make—but it's one of the most important. Thankfully, book cover ideas abound for as sources of inspiration—just take a little stroll through...
Punctuation Guide – Your Comprehensive Guide to English Grammar
Entering the world of punctuation can very quickly take you down a long and winding road into specifics of the English language that you may not have known existed. We know firsthand how easy it is to get lost among the seemingly endless punctuation points; that's why...
Typesetting 101 (Basics and Benefits for Authors)
It’s impossible to think about the impact books have had on the world without stopping to think about typesetting. Just as digital distribution and retail have revolutionized the way people read books in today's world, typesetting had a monumental impact in...
When to Use a Period—A Guide to Basic Punctuation
When it comes to perfecting English grammar, we can all breathe a sigh of relief knowing that when to use a period (also called a "full stop" in some countries) is just about as easy as it gets. The rules and uses are relatively simplistic, often the first thing we...