What’s the difference between reflowable-layout ebooks and fixed-layout ebooks?In my previous posts on ebook creation, I’ve largely focused on reflowable ebooks—books designed like web pages to be responsive—that adjust to the screen size they’re being displayed...
By David Kudler Since some readers asked for practical examples of CSS tricks for ebooks, I thought I’d share some of my favorites. These examples presume that you’ve got a working understanding of how to use Cascading Style Sheets to make beautiful ebooks. If you...
So I’ve talked about how to call style in the HTML of an ebook, and I’ve talked about the kinds of rules that you can invoke. This time around, we’re going to look at which rules take priority over which — and I’ll also share some fun examples of ways you can use CSS...
This is the twelfth in my on-going series of posts here on ebook creation; it’s also the second on the subject of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Last time, we talked about how (and where) to add CSS in order to define how the HTML that makes up an ebook will look. This...
If HTML is the blueprint, showing how an ebook (or a web page) should be laid out, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the interior design, saying how everything should look. While that may sound superficial, in fact learning to use CSS can have a profound impact on your...