This Week in the Blogs, June 24 – 30, 2012

POSTED ON Jul 1, 2012

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing > This Week in the Blogs, June 24 – 30, 2012

We’re in full-on summer mode here and firing up the grill for the upcoming Fourth of July. But there’s still time to squeeze some reading in, especially with the great posts gathered here.

I’d also like to note that this week Jane Friedman, who has been a major influence on writers who are thinking about publishing, has stepped back from being a regular blogger. Many of her posts have been featured here, and many many writers have benefited from her common-sense overview of what it takes to be successful as a writer—indie or traditional—during this time of change. I’m sure we’ll be hearing more from her.

David Gaughran (@DavidGaughran) on Let’s Go Digital
How To Query Amazon: The Little Goat That Could
“George couldn’t quite believe what was happening. Midnight’s Tale raced up the charts. He was appearing on bestseller lists for short fiction, he was topping the Hot New Releases chart for shorter work. But what happened the following week was even more unbelievable.”

Denise Wakeman (@DeniseWakeman) on Denise Wakeman
19 Ways to Promote Your Ebook
“I decided to go to my network and tap their wisdom to find out how savvy entrepreneurs are promoting their ebooks. What follows are 19 tips; some you know doubt know about and implement, others may be new to you.”

Ed Cyzewski (@edcyzewski) on Jane Friedman
Why Self-Publishing Is a Tragic Term
“I am one of many nonfiction authors whose nose has been rubbed in the word “platform” long enough to realize that I can’t sell books on my own. Nonfiction authors especially need tribes, subscribers, followers, friends, pins, backers, and enough Facebook shares to convince … that our work is valuable and share it, buy it, or preferably do both.”

Dan Blank (@DanBlank) on We Grow Media
Craft And Connection Takes Time
“Do you want to differentiate yourself from most other writers out there? Once you are done writing for the day (writing does come first after all), focus on connecting with readers. Who are they? Where are they? What do they love? How can you engage with them in a meaningful, not promotional, manner?”

Lori Culwell (@loriculwell) on Book Promotion
This Week in Publishing, and My Challenge to Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“The bottom line: you have to have sold books to sell books, and to sell books, you have to get people to know about your books. These days, you have to get the ball rolling yourself if you want to have a career as a writer.”

Photo by LadyDragonflyCCC

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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