Is This the Best Book Anywhere on Self-Publishing? (and Complete Pre-order Information)

POSTED ON Jan 18, 2016

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Writing > Is This the Best Book Anywhere on Self-Publishing? (and Complete Pre-order Information)

I’ve had a lot of inquiries about the new edition of The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide, announced last week.

When Betty Sargent and I sat down to talk about the 2016 edition, we realized we had to expand it with advice and insight for people starting out on the indie publishing path.

Despite the over 800 curated and verified listings of resource providers, readers wanted more: more information on each area, more guidance on what these vendors do, and more insight into how to use the listings themselves.

You spoke: we listened.

In response we recruited 25 experts in publishing and marketing books to provide the answers for you. Although I listed all these folks in my post on Friday, I didn’t let you know what exactly they were writing about.

To correct that oversight, here’s the list again with their topics included. Keep in mind most of these are very substantial articles, almost mini-essays on the topic, from real professionals who work in the indie publishing arena every day.


380 pages of self-publishing goodness—click here to pre-order at Amazon or see the links below

  • “Indexers” by Rachel Rice of Rae the Indexer
  • “Image Sources: Finding an image for your book cover” by Cathi Stevenson of Book Cover Express
  • “Book Shepherds & Publishing Consultants: Adding power to your book’s success” by Judith Briles of The Book Shepherd
  • “Illustrators & Cartoonists: The quest for illustrators, cartoonists, and other creative professionals” by Kat Vancil of KatGirl Studio
  • “Writers’ Conferences & Workshops Offering Scholarships: Three reasons writers need conferences more than ever” by Michael Larsen of San Francisco Writers Conference
  • “Grants & Funding for Writers” by C. Hope Clark of FundsforWriters
  • “Professional & Trade Associations: Why indie authors need trade associations” by Sharon Goldinger of PeopleSpeak
  • “E-book Conversion” by Carla King of Self-Pub Boot Camp
  • “Print-on-Demand (POD) Printing & Distribution Services: What is book distribution, anyway?” by Robin Cutler of IngramSpark
  • “Subsidy Publishers: Is there a difference between vanity and subsidy publishing?” by Victoria Strauss of Writer Beware
  • “Short Run Printers: Short run printers for indie authors” by Gordon Burgett of Gordon Burgett’s Website
  • “Book Production Software: What software do you need to produce your book?” by David Bergsland of Radiqx Press
  • “Website Design for Authors” by Tyler Doornbos of Well Design
  • “Social Media Consultants: The dos and don’ts of social media” by Rachel Thompson of BadRedhead Media
  • “Book Review Services: Book review services: where to find them and how to use them” by Miral Sattar of Bibliocrunch
  • “Author Assistants: What is an author assistant?” by Kate Tilton of Kate Tilton’s Author Services, LLC
  • “Press Release Services & Sources: The power of paid press release distribution services” by Joan Stewart of The Publicity Hound
  • “Virtual Book Tours: Sell more books with virtual book tours” by Dana Lynn Smith of Savvy Book Marketer
  • “Marketing & Publicity: Book marketing basics” by Penny Sansevieri of Author Marketing Experts
  • “All About Publicity for Indie Authors and Their Books” by Amy Edelman of IndieReader
  • “E-book Aggregators & Book Distributors: How to use an e-book distributor to reach more readers” by Mark Coker of Smashwords
  • “Major Retailers: Major retailers and what they offer indie authors” by Tracy Atkins of Book Design Templates
  • “Writing Contests, Fellowships, & Prizes: The good, the bad, and why they matter for indie authors” by Liz Dubelman of VidLit
  • “Book Awards for Self-Published Authors: Why awards matter and why some matter more than others” by Shelley Sturgeon of Bound and Determined
  • “Consumer Protection” by Orna Ross of The Alliance of Independent Authors

The addition of hundreds of pages of top-quality educational content really puts The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide in a class by itself.

And it’s still on $7.99.

Pre-Orders at eBook Retailers

The book is currently available for pre-order in Kindle and ePub versions; the paperback will be available within the next week.

Here are the links you need to do your pre-order right now:

Amazon Kindle: The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide 2016 Edition

Kobo: The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide 2016 Edition

Smashwords: The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide 2016 Edition

Apple iBooks: The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide 2016 Edition The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide 2016 Edition

How You Can Help

Help me get the word out about the new edition of this guide. It’s going to save lots of people time, energy, and frustration, and pass along important information, too.

We’d love it if you would help spread the word by letting other people know about the book.

The ebook version has links to every product, service, or kind of vendor you might need to self-publish, over 850 in all.

I’ll be posting on the official publication day, January 25, with details about another incredible launch offer you just won’t believe.

Will you help? If you do preorder, here’s a hint: save a copy of your sales receipt, you’re going to need it.


We’re re-starting our reviews, because the book has more than doubled in size since the first edition. And we’re looking for reviewers. This is your chance. If you’d like to review the new 2016 edition, we’d love to send you a copy!

Just use the contact form here and follow the instructions. (This link is valid only until February 22, 2016.)


Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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