This Week in the Blogs: December 14 – 20, 2009

POSTED ON Dec 20, 2009

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs: December 14 – 20, 2009

It’s almost Christmas, and many people are traveling for the holiday, making last-minute preparations, and the blogosphere is relatively quiet. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t great content coming at us every day, and among the yearly round-ups, top ten lists, and prognostications for the future, here are some that caught my eye. Enjoy!

Nathan Bransford on the Nathan Bransford Blog
This Year in Publishing
“When I was recapping 2008, I called it the year the future caught up with publishing. Well, if things began to change in 2008, they done really changed in 2009.”

Mick Rooney on POD, Self Publishing and Independent Publishing
When Is a Book Not a Book?
“In a far and distant galaxy, long ago, the hardback format was the lead trumpet to the publication of a book. Many large publishing houses still persist with the misspent philosophy that a new work, particularly fiction, should first appear in hardback format three to four months prior to the paperback publication.”

Peter Bowerman on AuthorShock
On Making a Great Living as a Writer
“Your goal is to make your book better than it has to be to make your marketing so much easier. Lots of people write books that just aren’t that good.”

Dick Margulis on words / myth / ampers & virgule
Finding a Printer
“I expect black ink to be black, not gray, and I expect it to be that same black throughout the book. The type should not vary in density from page to page or from the front of the book to the back.”

Rob Keller on I Love Typography
The Making of Vesper
“Vesper was developed over the course of almost three years. For this article, I’ve divided the process into two stages: #1 during my studies at the University of Reading; and #2 After Reading. Hopefully through this highly-condensed-yet-still-rather-wordy account of this project you will learn some interesting bits regarding my first major type family, the design process, and the MATD program.”

Joanna Penn on The Creative Penn
How To Feature On The Most Influential Websites In The World
“If you have a presence on the most important sites on the internet, more people will find you. Here’s how to get on the most influential sites as listed by Read, Write, Web.”

And For Something a Bit Different . . .

The Quintessential on Iconic Photos
When Putin Met Reagan
“In the above photo, the man with the camera around his neck standing behind the boy was the current Russian Prime Minister (and former president) Vladimir Putin. He was pretending to be a tourist on his capacity as a KGB agent.”

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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