This Week in the Blogs, May 28 – June 3, 2016

POSTED ON Jun 5, 2016

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, May 28 – June 3, 2016

Some great articles for you to read this week. Discussion about Amazon, indie author earnings and publishing costs, and ways to promote your self-published books. Enjoy!

Dan Koboldt on Dan Koboldt Author and Scientist
An Experiment in Amazon Sales Rank
“Few things are more obsessed-over by modern authors than Amazon Best Sellers Rank. For most of us, it’s a form of numerical torture, updated hourly.”

Nate Hoffelder on The Digital Reader
May 2016 Author Earnings Report Says Indie Authors Are Making All the Money
“The May 2016 Author Earnings Report looks into the question of which type of authors are earning the most money in the combined book market (digital, audio, and paper).”

Kirsten Oliphant on Jane Friedman
How to Customize Your Email Newsletter Sign-Up Forms to Increase Reader Engagement
“The connection with your email newsletter subscribers starts much sooner than you think. Connection begins somewhere unexpected, in a place that many gloss over or ignore altogether: your signup forms.”

John Doppler on How-to For Authors
8 Ebook Discovery Services Compared
“Free and discounted ebooks can be a powerful tool for increasing sales, but only if readers know about the deal. … That’s where ebook discovery services come into play. These mailing lists can put your free or discounted books in front of tens of thousands of interested readers.”

Shari Stauch on Where Writers Win
Thousands of Indie Authors Can Participate in the 1st Annual Indie Author Day!
“Mark your calendars! Libraries across North America will host local events for the first annual Indie Author Day on October 8, 2016, and will then come together at 2 pm Eastern for a digital gathering that will offer inspiration, information and advice for authors from publishing industry specialists. This event will bring the indie writing community together through the library system both physically and digitally.”

Too Good To Miss

Porter Anderson on Publishing Perspectives
What Does Self-Publishing Cost? The UK’s Reedsy Reads the Receipts
“Rather than the estimates and extrapolations that we get so frequently in such efforts around the independent author camp, Nataf’s staff says that they have used actual, anonymized quotes that were transmitted by editors and designers to inquiring authors on their system, in order to put together some pricing averages.”


Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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