This Week in the Blogs, March 26 – April 1, 2016

POSTED ON Apr 3, 2016

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, March 26 – April 1, 2016

So did anyone play an April Fool’s Day joke on you on Friday? There were some pretty good ones online. While we need to take our self-publishing efforts seriously and treat them like the businesses that they are, we can also have fun publishing, promoting and marketing our books. There’s some great tips and lots of information and resources in this week’s selection of articles. Hope you find the articles helpful.

Penny Sansevieri on Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
Top 50 Websites for Indie Authors
“From my years in the industry, I’ve gotten to know outstanding folks who offer valuable insights, tips, and feedback on a variety of marketing topics and publishing options. Since I love sharing things that I love with our online community, we originally published a list of 30 websites for Indie Authors a couple of years ago. One of most popular posts, here’s our updated and enhanced list of the top 50 blogs and websites that have won our respect and following. We hope you’ll follow them, too!”

Shon Bacon on The Blood-Red Pencil
Five Ways to Spring Clean Your Amazon Author Page
“So, you have a book or multiple books on Amazon, eh? Great! You’ve probably taken time to head over to the Author Central page on Amazon to give readers some information about yourself.”

Lise Cartwright on AuthorBasics
The Ultimate List of Publishing Resources for Indie Authors
“As an indie author, it can be tough to figure out what you should be doing and when in relation to your author business. … What tools do you need, what programs will really help you move the dial when it comes to writing and publishing your book and what marketing promotion makes the most sense to you.”

Kristen Lamb on Kristen Lamb’s Blog
Real Writers Don’t Self-Publish
“We don’t self-publish because all our friends are doing it and we think we can make a million dollars fast cash. But, at the same time, we shouldn’t hold out for traditional out of some misguided idea that self-publishing/indie isn’t for “real” authors and that traditional publishers are somehow going to handhold us.”

Steven Spatz on BookBaby Blog
The eBook Price is Right. Or is It?
“Your eBook price will have a lot to do with its discoverability. What’s the ideal price point? Does genre play a factor in pricing? Fiction vs. nonfiction? Questions about eBook price are among the most frequently asked by our authors and prospects.”


Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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