Is the weather hot where you are? It sure is here so I’m thinking that I’m going to spend some time inside in the air conditioning doing some reading about self-publishing. If that sounds good to you, too, these articles might be a good place to start.
Frances Caballo on Social Media Just For Writers
Facebook, Content Marketing, and Selling Courses: Do you really need them?
“I don’t begrudge successful author entrepreneurs or social media experts with enticing offers. I also use email marketing and hawk my books and services from time to time too. … But last week it just seemed like too much. Let me give you some examples of the headlines in my inbox”
Dan Blank on Writer Unboxed
A Hobbit’s Guide to Launching Your Book
“A great book launch relies on word of mouth marketing. Today, I want to share advice I tend to give authors for setting the foundations for word of mouth marketing.”
Laurie Boris on Indies Unlimited
What’s Smashwords Good For?
“Recently, for a number of reasons that will take too long to explain here, I decided to pull a few of my titles from the KDPS (Kindle Direct Publishing Select) program and make them available for other retailers as well as Amazon.”
Karen Myers on How-to For Authors
Distribution: Getting Global Reach for your Self-published Books
“While many first-time indie authors, and more seasoned ones who have been happy with their sales on Amazon, may opt for exclusive publication via CreateSpace for print and Kindle for ebooks, more and more authors are “going wide” i.e. seeking broader distribution through other channels.”
Stuart Horwitz on Where Writers Win
How To Set Up A Book Tour: Part I – Preparation
“This is the first of a three-part series on setting up your own author tour. I almost included the word “offline” in the title because so many tours these days are blog tours where the author participates in question & answer sessions, contributes guest blogs, or publishes an excerpt…and never has to leave his or her seat.”