This Week in the Blogs, April 2 – 8, 2016

POSTED ON Apr 10, 2016

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, April 2 – 8, 2016

Another selection of good articles to help indie authors with their publishing projects. I hope that you’ll find something helpful among this week’s picks.

Miral Sattar on Media Shift
How to Put Together a Marketing Plan for Your Book
“The first thing authors should do before doing any type of marketing is to put together a marketing plan for their book. This marketing plan will help you decide whether you’ll blog and have a presence on social media, and it’ll help you organize your outreach strategy for reviews.”

Sandra Beckwith on Build Book Buzz
Are you making these mistakes with your Amazon book description?
“What’s the first thing you do when you search for a book on Amazon and find one that could be just what you want or need? …
If you’re like most, you read the Amazon book description at the top of the page.”

John Doppler on How-to For Authors
Amazon Sales Rank: Taming the Algorithm
“We’re all familiar with Amazon’s sales rank, those tantalizing numbers that have driven authors to obsessively revisit their pages over and over in hopes of seeing their book climb through the ranks.”

Frances Caballo on Social Media Just For Writers
Social Media Basics and How to Engage
“Search engine optimization (SEO) is a series of web-based strategies designed to increase visitors to your website so that your website will place well in Google searches. Historically, SEO has been used heavily to boost traffic to websites. But guess what? Social media has become increasingly important in any SEO formula.”

Lynne Cantwell on Indies Unlimited
What I Learned as a Book Cover Contest Judge
“Art is one of those things for me. In school, I was an A or B student in everything but art. (Well, and physical education. But so far, nobody’s expected me to do pushups for my books, thank goodness.) So imagine my dismay when I realized I was going to have to design covers for my books. Luckily, I have a couple of friends who are much better in graphic arts than I am, as well as two daughters who know their way around Photoshop. I treasure their advice to this day.”

Too Good To Miss

Andrew Rhomberg on Digital Book World
It’s the Cover, Stupid! Why Publishers Should A/B Test Book Covers
“Never judge a book by its cover. So the saying goes, yet consumers do it all the time. Every publisher and bookseller knows that covers sell books. But do consumers also form expectations from looking at the cover? Well, based on the results of some of the initial reader analytics data at Jellybooks, we think they do.”


Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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