Sunday morning. Let’s see: cappuccino is foamy, newspaper scattered over the bed, sun starting to do its daily climb, and a whole lot of great blog articles to spice up your day. Does it get any better than that?
Joanna Penn (@TheCreativePenn) on The Creative Penn
Lessons Learned From 1 Year As A Fulltime Author Entrepreneur
“I am seriously happy in my new life, but there have been some real challenges and lessons I’ve learned along the way that I wanted to share, as well as some action points if you’re considering making a similar move.”
Ali Luke (@aliventures) on Copyblogger
How to Beat 7 Common Self-Publishing Fears
“This is the biggest worry I hear from bloggers: I’m not ready. All too often, the bloggers saying this are more than ready … Even if the longest thing you’ve written so far is a blog post, you probably are ready (or at least a lot closer to ready than you think).”
Baldur Bjarnason (@fakebaldur) on FutureBook
Ebook publishing platforms are a joke
“It doesn’t matter if you’re going direct through Kindle Direct Publishing, Kobo’s Writing Life, or iTunes Connect. It doesn’t matter if you’re using an aggregator or a distributor. They are all a complete and utter joke that show a complete disregard of even the most rudimentary basics of online commerce.”
Stephannie Beman (@stephanniebeman on Self-Published Author’s Lounge
Why you might not be succeeding at Self-Publishing?
“Self-publishing isn’t easy, It isn’t a straight path to success … If you think you can just slap up a book on Amazon, B&N, etc. and become the next Amanda Hocking, you are in for a rude awakening.”
Mark Edwards (@IndieIQ) on Catherine, Caffeinated
The 11 Ingredients of a Sizzling Book Description
“If your book description doesn’t grab them and make them feel ‘the need – the need to read’ then you’ve just lost a customer.”