This Week in the Blogs, October 31 – November 6, 2015

POSTED ON Nov 8, 2015

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, October 31 – November 6, 2015

The end of the year is sneaking up on all of us and that brings with it a review of our writing and self-publishing goals and accomplishments in 2015. I hope you’ve been able to progress as you’d hoped. This week’s selection of articles might be able to help you with that.

Mark Coker on Smashwords
Amazon Lowers Kindle Unlimited Payouts
“Last Friday in a bit of news that was missed by most indie authors, Amazon quietly announced that because they’re pricing their Kindle Unlimited ebook subscription service at $3.00 per month in India, authors will now earn less.”

Lynne Cantwell on Indies Unlimited
Which Software Is Best for Authors – Part 1
“Newbies to the wonderful world of indie publishing can be forgiven their bewilderment at the range of software options out there for our use. The thing is, some programs work better than others for our purposes, and some don’t really have any use for us at all.”

Penny Sansevieri on Author Marketing Experts, Inc.
Demystifying Amazon Categories, Themes and Keywords – Part 1 of 2
“To most authors, Amazon is really confusing. There seems to never be a clear path to success and once there is some clarity, the path changes yet again. As an author AND marketer I feel your pain!”

Frances Caballo on Social Media Just for Writers
Social Media Guidelines for Newbie (& Experienced) Authors
“There’s no shame in coming to the field of publishing and online marketing right now. It hasn’t been around that long. … The fact that I’m not an early adopter and have learned so much is proof that you can be where I am in little time.”

Andy Lowe on How-to for Authors
How to Set Up Pre-orders for Self-published E-Books
“If you’ve built up a strong fan-base, particularly a mailing list, then a pre-order announcement is a great way to start to build excitement, and hopefully a little viral buzz for your title.”
book launch


Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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