By Shelley Sturgeon
We’re in a transitional time of year, and that always means more news as we get closer to the holidays. Here are some great posts for your reading pleasure, and some important reminders.
- There’s still time to submit your blog posts to our Self-Publishing: Carnival of the Indies blog carnival. The deadline is the 15th of the month and all the information you need to know can be found here.
- We are also accepting submissions for our November e-Book Cover Design Awards until the last day of the month. November’s submissions will be presented in a post at the end of December. Submission information can be found here. Be sure to tell us in the Remarks field of the submission form about the significance of the image(s), color palette choices and/or name of font(s) you selected for your e-book cover.
- If you have any questions about the Carnival of the Indies or the e-Book Cover Design Awards, just click on the Contact page and fill in that form, or leave a comment below.
Frances Caballo on Social Media Just for Writers
Every Author Needs Visual Marketing
“According to this awesome blog post by Hubspot, there are many reasons why you should be focused on visual marketing on your blog and in your social media posts.”
Sandra Beckwith on Build Book Buzz
Why readers aren’t reviewing your books
“In today’s publishing environment where the Internet lets us recommend books to anyone, online reader reviews have become powerful and influential. In fact, most readers rely on them to make purchasing decisions.”
Lisa Tener on Lisa Tener – Book Writing Coach
Get Thyself on Podcasts: Reach Readers & Sell More Books!
“Earlier this year, I asked Rusty Shelton about the PR activities that most often resulted in book sales and learned that being interviewed on podcasts is one of the top things you can do to sell more books.”
Karen Inglis on David Gaughran
7 Ways To Market Books For Children
“There are successful self-publishers in every niche, but authors of children’s books face more challenges than most – both on the publishing and marketing side.”
Carla King on Self-Pub Book Camp
An ISBN is a birth certificate for your book
“Think of your book, or “title,” as it’s called in the industry, as your child. Think of each format as your title’s child, each with that title’s DNA.”
Too Good to Miss
Why I hate blogging…but do it anyway
Creativity Wounds: Can NaNoWriMo Help Overcome Them?
Imprint consolidation at big houses is a sign of changed times
Cross It Out
Other Links of Interest
Author incomes drop to average of $9K in three years, says writers’ union
2018 Red Clay Writers Conference coming to KSU Center in November
Cover Art Design Trends For Self-Published Horror