Articles scanned this week: 251
Articles selected for review this week: 19
Articles in the “final cut”: 11
Articles linked to in final post: 5
Article acceptance rate: 1.99%
Mick Rooney on The Independent Publishing Magazine
Self-Publishing in the United States 2007-12 | Some Report Analysis
“The nature of self-publishing, powered by the explosion of new service providers big and small, e-book distributors, more titles than ever available through print-on-demand (POD), and an increasing amount of self-published authors with their own imprints, makes it near impossible to track minutely every book sales unless everyone is following the same rules along the yellow brick road of publishing.”
Jane Friedman on Jane Friedman
Book Marketing 101
“Remember that a comprehensive book-marketing campaign uses a combination of tactics to reach readers. It would be unusual to focus solely on social media, or solely on events, to generate word of mouth. The best approach combines online and offline components, and if done right, each amplifies and strengthens the other.”
Dana Sitar on Live Hacked
21 Resources for Writing an Ebook (When You Have No Idea What You’re Doing)
“You know you should publish an ebook. It’s done wonders for other bloggers and entrepreneurs. But the process seems so overwhelming — and where will you find the time? Here are 21 tips and resources that will help you get started, keep you motivated, and help you navigate the trickier parts of the ebook publishing process.”
Lindsay Buroker on Lindsay Buroker
The Art of the Amazon Sale: Improving Rankings, Selling More Books, and Gaining Exposure
“Running sales is a way to create interest in your books among new readers, so long as you’re willing to do a little promotion (which may be as simple as buying an advertisement) in concurrence with these temporary price drops.”
Victoria Strauss on Writer Beware
Awards Profiteering: The Book Festival Empire of JM Northern Media
“If you’re a writer, I’ll bet you’ve been spammed by JM Northern Media. Don’t recognize the name? Maybe these will ring a bell. The Los Angeles Book Festival. The Hollywood Book Festival. The Paris Book Festival. The Beach Book Festival. The Halloween Book Festival. Animals, Animals, Animals Book Festival. And at least nine other annal festivals, all owned and operated by JM Northern Media. Why, you might ask, would one company own so many book festivals? To make money, of course.”