Another week cranks through. I’ve ordered an iPad, so I’m now officially in iAnticipation mode since the little things seem to be very popular and sold out at the Apple Stores. Never fear, still plenty of good reading for a sleepy Sunday. Ebook questions answered, another publisher falls for the siren call of “author services” and a whole heaping pile of marketing advice to help you sell those books. Enjoy!
Joe Konrath on A Newbie’s Guide to Publishing
Top EBook Questions
“Ebooks truly are the greatest thing to happen to writers since Gutenberg.”
Victoria Strauss on Writer Beware Blog
Hay House Establishes Publishing Service Division
“Publishing service divisions aren’t about finding fresh new voices; they’re about making money for the parent publisher. But I’m sure that for writers who are unfamiliar with the publishing industry, who’ve bought into the prevalent mythology about self-publishing as a starting point for a commercial career, or who just don’t think a major publishing house would lie to them, this will be a major inducement.”
Penny Sansevieri on Author Marketing Experts Blog
From Blog to Book
“But what does it really take to get your blog noticed? Here are some tips if you’re trying to raise the bar on your blog and get it noticed by a publisher.”
Joanna Penn on The Creative Penn
Podcast: Advanced Blogging Tips For Authors With Blogging Teacher, Paul Cunningham
“If you are ready for some more advanced blogging tips, then this is the audio for you! Paul Cunningham is the Blogging Teacher, providing articles, tips and tutorials to help bloggers overcome the many challenges they face in building a successful blog.”
Joan Stewart on The Publicity Hound
Amateur video can propel your publicity campaign, search rankings
“Amateur video can be an incredibly inexpensive but powerful tool in your publicity campaign.”
And for Something Completely Different . . .
Good Show, Sir!
The Wayfarer Bilbabalbabul
“And with such great lines in this book such as, ‘The effeminate albino pursed his thick lips in that certain way to suggest he was male, but homosexual.’”