We’re having a bit of bad weather here, something my postwoman calls “Junuary” weather. Nevertheless, news continues to roil the world of indie publishing. This week we have a frank look at self-publishing, advice on pricing e-books, a reminder of the dangers of subsidy publishing, an update on what’s to come from an industry insider, and some great advice about your author bio. Have fun.
Shannon Yarbrough on The LL Book Review
My Own “10 Things You Should Know About Self-Publishing”
“In no particular order, I give you my ten things you should know about self-publishing”
Bob Mayer on Write it Forward
The Pricing of ebooks and Perceived Value
“Publishing has changed a lot, but it’s still a business. Part of our job is to understand that business. There needs to be a balance. We can’t promote or price a product if we haven’t taken the time to better our craft. But, on the other hand, if we don’t take the time to understand what is happening in the business, we reduce our chances of selling our books to our readers.”
Sue Collier on Self-Publishing Resources
How authors are misled into thinking they’ve self-published when they haven’t
“It was with a sinking heart that I told her she had more or less wasted a large amount of money on books that would probably never reach readers let alone the library market . . . So where did she—and countless other authors who fully intended to self-publish—go wrong?”
Linda J. Dawson on LJNDawson.com
Object lessons from 978 (Bookland)
“My own opinion, based on what I’ve seen these last seven months, is that for all our pain and suffering now, we are working towards a pretty near-term future of “more books in more places”. Which is why a lot of us got into this business in the first place.”
Lauren Carr on Self-Publishing Review
Who Are You? Writing an Author Bio
“What’s in your author bio? Do you even have a bio? Believe it or not, your bio is an important tool in selling your book.”
Book Notes and Blog Totes
I’m gratified that reviews continue to roll out for A Self-Publisher’s Companion. This week saw the publication of Terry Whalin‘s review, Open the World of Publishing with This Book (Monday, May 30, 2011)
This week also saw the publication of A Self-Publisher’s Companion: Expert Advice for Authors Who Want to Publish Reviewed By James Broderick of Bookpleasures.com
Thanks to all the reviewers who have taken the time to review this book. I had hoped to find a new audience among the many people considering self-publishing for the first time, or wondering exactly what is going on in indie publishing these days. Reviews like these will help to put the book in front of more people.
Photo by gterez