Yes, summer is starting to happen, some schools are out already, Memorial Day is in the rear-view mirror, and holidays are being taken. That doesn’t mean the bloggers haven’t been hard at work, and this week is a particularly rich one. I’m sure you’ll find something meaty and tasty for your Sunday enjoyment here, have fun.
Joanna Penn on The Creative Penn
Author Entrepreneur. Why Being An Indie Author Is A Great Business Model.
“There are several ways to evaluate a market, as outlined in Josh Kaufman’s The Personal MBA, which should go into an assessment of whether a business idea should be investigated further. I’ve taken his concepts and applied them to the business of being an indie author.”
Hugh Howey and Data Guy on Author Earnings
The Tenured vs. Debut Author Report
“In our most recent earnings report, one chart jumped out at us and begged for deeper analysis: It was a look at daily author earnings according to publication date, and it revealed the heavy reliance Big 5 publishers have on the sale of their backlist titles. The same chart showed, less surprisingly, that self-published authors are making the vast majority of their earnings on recently published works.”
Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod on Write Kids’ Books
15 Kindle books under $10 that will help you write a great children’s book… and 3 to skip at any price.
“I read a lot of ebooks these days, because we’re about a bazillion miles from the nearest English-language bookstore. And like always, I love reading… about writing. But I don’t love spending a ton on writing books. It makes writing feel like a self-indulgent hobby, an extravagance. So I’m always on the lookout for cheap, high-quality writing books.”
Jason Matthews on How to Make, Market and Sell Ebooks
7 Item To-Do List for Amazon Author Central Profile
“I work with a lot of authors, both published veterans and newbies to the Indie scene. When gathering information about them, one of the first places I visit is their Amazon Author Central page, where writers can customize a personal profile and also get excellent data on book sales, author ranking and answers to support questions. Think of it as your Amazon social media page.”
Ruth Harris on Anne R. Allen’s Blog …WITH RUTH HARRIS
Know Your Genre: Tips and Secrets from the Experts for Writing Bestselling Genre Fiction
“Genres come with rules that create guidelines for writers—and set up expectations in readers. Break those rules, disappoint those expectations and the reaction will be a polar vortex of one-star reviews.”
And One You Shouldn’t Miss… Really
Passive Guy on The Passive Voice
Indie Authors Quitting Their Day Jobs
“What if you put up a post that asked anyone who has recently been able to go “full time”, quit their day job and write, to post their name. Maybe they could also put when or how soon they are planning to do it.”