Can you believe it’s April? Almost time to fire up the grill, a treasured pastime here at our house. If you’ve got some time today at your house, check out the amazing blog posts I’ve gathered for you here. Some truly amazing work this week, with extensive guides and thoughtful essays. Have fun.
Ryan Buckley on The Blog of Tim Ferriss
How to (Really) Make $1,000,000 Selling E-Books – Real-World Case Studies
“Self-publishing essentially inverts the traditional publishing model, where publishers publish the book, then get the media to drum up enthusiasm before the public can pass it along through word-of-mouth. Self-published authors must do this entire process in reverse: they must get people interested in their books before they actually publish the book on Amazon. It requires building relationships with your readers and establishing a sense of community by leveraging social media.”
Kimberley Grabas on Your Writer Platform
11 Author Website Must Have Elements
“Visiting an author’s website is one of the leading ways that book readers support and get to know their favourite authors better. The stronger the relationship, the more likely zealous advocates will spread the word about the author to friends, family and peers. And website visits can translate directly into books sold.”
CJ Lyons on Jane Friedman
Amazon KDP Select: Is It Worthwhile for Authors?
“There are many ways to go free and to benefit from it. The important thing is to decide why you want to go free and what it’s worth to you. If you want reviews, offer free reads to your existing readers. If you want to build a list, offer free reads to those who sign up for your mailing list. If you want to hit an Amazon bestseller list and increase sales there, then Select is your best bet.”
Big Al on Indies Unlimited
Stuff Your Kindle
“So, for all the Kindle owners, how many ways do you know to get a file onto your Kindle? I’m willing to bet there are more ways than you realize.”
Caimin Jones on Live Hacked
Email Marketing for the Time and Cash-strapped Self-published Author
“Even if you’ve never done anything like this before, following these steps should take less than thirty minutes. That’s less than half an hour to put in place one of the key pieces to your author platform. Give it a shot – you’ll be glad you did when it’s book launch time.”
Self-Publishing Roadmap Registration Going On Now
Yes, the internet’s only extensive, video-based training in book publishing is open for a new class. This is only the third time since the course was created that it’s been open to the public.
If you want to supercharge your education in book publishing and learn the ins and outs of creating books readers really want to buy, you should have a look at the registration page.
It’s got all the details—including the $3,300+ worth of targeted learning tools included in the Standard and Mentorship Editions of the course.
Working with the authors who sign up for this course is about the most satisfying thing I do these days, because I love getting writers to the point they can publish their books with confidence and a great chance of success.
If that’s appealing to you, take a look at the Mentorship Edition of the course. It’s a unique opportunity for a few authors to partner with me on their books and their overall marketing strategy.
From personal introductions to trusted suppliers to detailed analysis of your social media marketing, and specific actions to take to grow your author platform, you’ll have me on your side. Think about what that could mean for what you can achieve this year.
Here’s the link so you can check it out for yourself: Self-Publishing Roadmap Registration Page