This Week in the Blogs, June 27 – July 3, 2010

POSTED ON Jul 4, 2010

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, June 27 – July 3, 2010

God is speaking to publishers (finally), and we’ve had enough of the slush pile by now. It seems like everyone is taking some time out to talk about self-publishing, and why not? The gates are open, the genie is out of the bottle. Enjoy this week’s tour through the blogs.

Mike Shatzkin on The IdeaLogical Blog
Ten More Commandments, Publishing Edition
“‘Do as I say,’ God thundered, ‘and you will save your heavenly soul and a place for yourself in the value chain.’ She thus proceeded to lay down these precepts–but as God is timeless, they came in no particular order.”

Sue Collier on Self-Publishing Resources
Self-publishing does not necessarily equal slush-pile publishing
“Traditional publishing is not exactly known for embracing change (anyone want to talk about the fact that returns are still allowed?!), but I think maybe The Man is going to have to adjust his way of thinking whether he wants to or not.”

Lynn Price on Behler Blog
Should I self-publish? Know what awaits you
“True self publishing – where you are the publisher – isn’t for those with weak intestinal fortitude or account balances that hover in the three figures. I’ve seen way too many self published authors implode, and they’re stuck with a garage full of books and nothing in their checking account. To avoid this, authors need to be fully aware of the right way and the wrong way.”

Jane Friedman, Carla King and Moriah Jovan on Digital Book World
The Self-Publishing Opportunity (Roundtable: 7/1/10)
“The Roundtable is a live, interactive webcast gathering some of the most outspoken industry professionals to debate the hottest publishing issues of the week, as being discussed in traditional media, the blogiverse and on Twitter.”

Edward Nawotka on Publishing Perspectives
When Will Self-Published Works Be Reviewed in the Mainstream Media?
“Self published authors are becoming increasingly sophisticated by the day, particularly when it comes to marketing and promotion. Yet, it seems, while these authors are able to sell and promote their books, they’ve by and large yet to crack what is potentially the largest nut of all: the mainstream media.”

And for Something A Little Different . . .

The Huffington Post
Bookstores We Love For Their Spirit Of Independence (PHOTOS)
“An indie bookstore can still have impact on publishing–staff can hand sell a book and push it to visibility, and nobody makes a better reading recommendation than an indie bookseller.” (This blog contains many photos of favorite indie bookstores sent in by readers.)


Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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