Are you able to get away for a vacation this summer to catch up on some reading, do some sightseeing, a bit of relaxing or whatever else makes you happy? I hope so. Whether you’re at home or on holiday, have a look at these articles if you can. There’s some great information here.
Nate Hoffelder on The Digital Reader
Facebook Wants a Cut of eBook Sales on Its Social Network
“Authors and publishers have been selling books on Facebook for over six years now by setting up shops with 3rd-party services, and now Facebook wants to get into the act.”
Porter Anderson on Jane Friedman
A Conversation With the SELF-e Team: Exploring Payment for Authors
“For those catching up, SELF-e is a service for self-published authors who would like to have their ebooks available to patrons in American library systems. The key objection voiced about SELF-e is its business model: the service is free to independent authors who submit their ebooks but offers no royalty payments to those authors for checkouts of their ebooks.”
Viv Oyolu on Bookbaby Blog
Why Podcasting Interviews Are Essential for Authors
“When developing your book marketing strategies, the written word is not your only option for book promotion. Podcasting and interviews can be an effective way to reach potential readers.”
Stephen Oram on Self-Publishing Advice Blog
Book Marketing: How to Use a Quiz to Promote a Book
“What follows is a glimpse into my first experience of creating a quiz – I hope you find it useful. And, if you have more experience than me I’d love to hear any tips you might have.”
Melinda Clayton on Indies Unlimited
Free Online Resources for Self-Publishers
“Just over a year ago I wrote a post highlighting some free online resources for writers. Since that time, I’ve discovered even more wonderful free resources for photos, music, backgrounds, fonts, and more, so it’s definitely time for an update.”