As the new year starts to unroll its mysteries, the blogosphere gets back up to speed, and writers and bloggers look toward what is likely to be a tumultuous time. Here’s what caught my eye this week.
Joanna Penn on Publetariat
Why Writers Need to Embrace Technology
“The author platform is now critical for everyone except the top authors and famous celebrities. It means people will find you, hopefully engage with you and then be interested in your writing/books or business.”
Jonathan Fields on Tribal Author
Indie Authors and Rabbit Holes
“The world is changing in a profound way. Publishers are struggling to find their place in the new book economy and will very likely have to endure huge, painful change.”
Mark Barrett on Ditchwalk
Your Publishing Platform Defined
“If what you care about is writing, and in particular storytelling, you have a shot at competing on the merits today that you wouldn’t have had a few years ago.”
Michael N. Marcus on Bookmaking
Trade magazines: the whores of journalism
“Publishers Weekly is an important magazine and I read nearly every issue to keep up with trends and news. A recent issue of the usually respectable magazine took me back to the bad old days. I felt like puking.”
And For Something Completely Different…
Jessica Hagy on Indexed
Like Today For Example
“This site is a little project that lets me make fun of some things and sense of others. I use it to think a little more relationally without resorting to doing actual math.”