Last week I missed Justine Lee Musk’s useful article on Twitter for Authors, so here it is, along with more goodness on protecting your work online, selling on Kindle, a self-published success, the rise of self-publishing, and using Facebook for your book. The beat goes on. Apple, despite rumors to the contrary, appears to be getting ready to ship the iPad on schedule. Stay tuned, and enjoy!
Justine Lee Musk on Tribal Writer
a writer’s starter guide to twitter (or: everything I wish someone had told me when I first started using twitter)
“A key part of any author’s platform is Twitter. It forms what I consider the Golden Triangle of blog/facebook/twitter that forms the heart and home of your online presence.”
(Ed.: I missed this one last week—don’t let that happen to you, check it out today.)
Cheryl Anne Gardner on POD People
When a Creative Commons License becomes a Pain in The Ass, or Worse, A Pain in Your Bottom Line…
“You can allow free downloads of your work and still maintain your standard copyright ‘all rights reserved.’ However, some file share sites like Scribd automatically default to a Creative Commons License, and if the author is not aware of this, they may find themselves in a bit of a pickle.”
JA Konrath on A Newbie’s Guide to Publishing
JA Konrath Kindle Sales: 30k Ebooks In 11 Months
“I’m currently selling $1.99 ebooks at the rate of 170 per day. That means I’m earning around $120 per day just sitting on my butt. If this trend continues as-is, I’ll earn $43,800 this year on previously published short stories and novels that NY print publishing rejected.”
Mick Rooney on POD, Self-Publishing and Independent Publishing
Self-Publishing Successes – The Shack
“There is a sense of romance about books becoming phenomenally successful. There is an even greater sense of romance when the book is self-published, because we usually get a great dollop of homestead heart-warming stories of children, Christmas, good-will, good-luck, together with simplicity, reverence, perseverance and courage; all painted on a landscape of financial and artistic hardship.”
Carla King on MediaShift
Self-Publishing, Author Services Open Floodgates for Writers
“Wild Writing Women: Stories of World Travel was an instant hit. We sold all 1,000 copies in the first week of publication and made back more than double our investment. Eighteen traditional publishers were suddenly interested in purchasing the book.”
Dana Lynn Smith on Selling Books
Promote Your Book on Facebook With a Fan Page
“A Facebook ‘Fan Page’ or ‘Page’ is designed for business use and it’s a great way to promote your book. You can set up a Fan Page for your business, book, or even a character in your book, and you can create multiple Pages.”
And for Something a Little Different . . .
Neighborhood Treasures on Pictory
“It can take years to feel at home in a new area. At first it’s just a place with unfamiliar streets, restaurants you might like to try, and shops that look interesting from the outside. But over time you see yourself reflected in parts of the city, and begin to block out the rest.”