With snowstorms and flooding, it’s been quite a week, hasn’t it? While we can’t rely on the weather, we can depend on a steady supply of great articles on writing and self-publishing. I’ve picked out some of the best from this week to share with you. Hope you find them interesting!
Jane Friedman on Jane Friedman
Facebook for Authors: Getting Started Guide
“Facebook has more than 1 billion users worldwide, and it ranks as the No. 1 site (or No. 2, depending on whom you ask) in the United States. For this reason alone, it’s often one of the first topics of conversation when discussing an online marketing plan or author platform. Should it be?”
Anne R. Allen on Anne R. Allen’s Blog …with Ruth Harris
Blogging for Authors: How to Create a Blog that Can Grow With Your Career
“Maybe you’ve just finished that NaNo novel and you know you want to publish, so you’d like to get a head start while you slog through the editing process.”
Sabrina on Digital Pubbing
Indie Authors: Dealing with Reviews, the Good and Bad
“Not everyone will like your book. And sometimes, you may end up with a one-star review. I’ve been there, and initially it feels like a punch in the gut. So what’s the best way to deal with a negative review? Respond? Ignore? Take the feedback into consideration?”
Simone Collins on Live Write Thrive
15 Tips for Aspiring Writers from 5 Successful Authors
“One of the best ways aspiring authors can develop successful writing careers is to listen to and apply advice from successful authors. Regardless of genre, or whether they write fiction and nonfiction, authors starting out in this brave new world of publishing can benefit from the generous sharing of tips by today’s pros.”
Keith Cronin on Writer Unboxed
Even More New Year’s Resolutions for Writers
“Two years ago I posted a set of New Year’s resolutions for writers, which was well enough received that I posted another set of resolutions the following December. This holiday season, since I’m all about tradition (as opposed to being all about that bass), I’ve assembled several more resolutions for writers to consider as the new year approaches.”
Photo: bigstockphoto.com