This Week in the Blogs, December 16 – 22, 2012

POSTED ON Dec 23, 2012

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Marketing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, December 16 – 22, 2012

We are down to the nub-end of the year, with holidays piling on top of each other in a blizzard of family, home, friends, food, gifts, gratitude, and a new perspective gained from looking forward to the new year as much as looking back over the ruins of the old. But that doesn’t mean I have nothing for you, oh no. Take a look at these articles on what is truly remarkable, predictions, giving books away, finding corporate partners and new epublishing possibilities.

This is the last blog collection for the year, since next week will feature the Carnival of the Indies blog carnival. It’s both a privilege and a duty to bring you these curated links most Sundays, and I find the bloggers in this patch of internet becoming more numerous than ever. And that’s a good thing for all of us.

So here’s to whichever holidays you’re celebrating. Enjoy, and I’ll see you back here on Wednesday with an article about a book cover makeover that took more than 10 years.

Seth Godin (@ThisIsSethsBlog) on Seth’s Blog
Ridiculous is the new remarkable
“Last month, I self-published an 800-page, 19-pound book, a book big enough to kill a small mammal if misused. It’s not for sale, but those that received a copy via Kickstarter have posted about it, talked about it and even made videos. The nicest thing anyone told me was that it was, ‘ridiculous.'”

Mark Coker (@MarkCoker) on Smashwords
Mark Coker’s 2013 Book Publishing Industry Predictions – Indie Ebook Authors Take Charge
“It’s that time of year when book people make their predictions for the year ahead. I bring you, my dear reader, my epic predictions for 2013. I say ‘epic’ tongue in cheek, because I went a bit overboard this year. When I sat down to write this, I was thinking of maybe eight or ten predictions with short narratives. I’m bringing you 21 predictions with expansive narratives. Skim the headlines then read what grabs you.”

James Moushon (@jimhbs) on Self-Publishing Review
Free Books: Just Give it Away?
“The ebook has altered the way we read, distribute and market books. It has increased the competition between authors and retailers and publishers, all at the speed of light. Now one of the most important things for an author is to create an interest in his book with friends and followers online. One of the methods of choice is a Free Book Promotion.”

Stephanie Chandler (@bizauthor) on Authority Publishing
How Authors Can Earn Real Money with Corporate Sponsors: Part 1
“The harsh reality is that most authors don’t make much money from their book sales. But authors can make substantial money using a book as a foundation for establishing authority in a field and then work to build an audience. With those key elements in place, sponsorship opportunities can bring great rewards.”

Lindsay Buroker (@GoblinWriter) on Lindsay Buroker
Kobo Becoming a Player for Self-Published Ebook Authors
“But in this last year, both iTunes and Kobo sales have increased for me. Part of that is because I have more ebooks in both stores, and a couple of freebies to boot, but part is also due to these e-tailers working hard to get into more countries and extend their reach.”

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Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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