We’re midway through August, and the beginning of school doesn’t seem so far away for those of us with kids home for the summer. Lots of people are “out of town” and web traffic seems a little slower. The book studio has been busy with lots of projects going out for proofs, design samples flying back and forth, and new books being born every week. And that’s exciting!
This week we have more on the publishing industry’s twists and turns and prospects in the near term, tackling the back cover of your book, the advantages of ebooks, looking out for writing “maladies” and looking to your future as a self-publisher. Then there’s the Social Media Map of the World. Enjoy!
Norman Spinrad on Norman Spinrad at Large
THE PUBLISHING DEATH SPIRAL–part three–The Death Spiral of the Publishing Death Spiral
“That’s where the tech is taking the nascent ebook biz whether the current business model likes it or not, and nothing that doesn’t adapt to that evolutionary environment will survive. Chaos? You betcha! But what’s wrong with that?”
Ray Robinson on Self Publishing Today
Book Cover Copy, Self Publishing, and SEO
“The great thing about writing great book marketing cover copy – and setting up the flow of your copy on the back cover – is that it’s almost naturally great SEO copy.”
Richard MacManus on Read Write Web
5 Ways That eBooks Are Better Than Paper Books
“While I still love paper books, the digital wiles of eBooks are looking increasingly attractive to me. Below are five eBook features that may tempt you to buy electronic books too.”
Nathan Bransford on Nathan Bransford Blog
Do You Suffer From One of These Writing Maladies?
“There are pernicious writerly germs out there infecting pages all around the world. Left uncured they can be fatal. Talk to your book doctor or literary health provider if you notice any of these symptoms.”
Michael N. Marcus on Book Making
Always have at least two books “in the oven”
“While it’s great to concentrate on and finish a book, there are also advantages to having several books in the oven at the same time.”
And for Something a Little Different . . .
Ethan Bloch on Flowtown
The 2010 Social Networking Map
“As a tribute to XKCD’s ‘Map of Online Communities’, we have decided to re-create our own, updated version of this map. The numbers are taken to reflect many new developments in the social networking communities, including Facebook surpassing Myspace as the preeminent online community/”
Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, original work copyright by respres, https://www.flickr.com/photos/respres/