Here’s a pretty good variety of reading to get you through this first weekend in September. The economics of ebooks, unintended consequences of faulty metadata, self-publishing through technological change, planning your book, and more on the publishing industry and its challenges. Enjoy!
Mike Shatzkin on The Idea Logical Blog
The other comparison: ebook royalties versus ebook self-publishing
“At per-unit revenues from ebook sales anywhere from 2.5-to-6 times what they could get from a publisher, and ebook sales rising inexorably as a percentage of total sales, authors and their agents are ultimately going to be doing their math against this option for each new book they have to offer. Some may be doing it already.”
Henry Baum on Self-Publishing Review
My Day on Kindle Nation
“But then later in the day something happened. Amazon had removed the buy button from my book. After a series of emails I got this response from Amazon:”
Jane Friedman on There Are No Rules
Eric Hammel: Self-Published Authors Should Band Together
“Most self-publishers are mired in reinventing the same wheels most of the other self-publishers are mired in reinventing. This can’t go on, and it won’t, but we must insist that the sort of marketing aggregators—that I think we’ll see—do not dictate terms to us; dictated terms are why we’re all here to begin with.”
Carol Denbow on A Book Inside
Finding Your Book’s Audience
“Before you decide exactly what to write, figure out who will be buying and reading your book.”
Joe Clark on Fawny
Publishers as Flashturbators
“The question is: Can publishing executives count on failing upward the way Web executives did? Is the fact that last decade’s Web executives failed to kill off the Web proof positive that today’s publishing executives won’t kill off publishing?”
And for Something a Little Different . . .
100+ Photos Taken At Unusual Angle
“They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes this ain’t exactly right.”
Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, original work copyright by armatoj,