This Week in the Blogs, April 29 – May 5, 2012

POSTED ON May 6, 2012

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, April 29 – May 5, 2012

The sun is making more of an appearance every day here in northern California, just the way self-published books are really starting to shine in the book world. Every week publishing your own books seems to become a viable option for more and more authors, and that’s fantastic.

This week we hear about the decision to self-publish from two very different authors, about how to sell books in the real world, looking back on the recent history of indie publishing, and some great tips to guide you when you start looking for editing help. Drink deep.

Catherine Ryan Howard on Catherine, Caffeinated
How To Sell Self-Published Books: Read This First
“It is very hard to get people to care enough about your book that they go and buy it. It’s the hardest part. And before you can even do that, you have to get them interested in it, and before that you have to let them know that it exists. But embracing this will help you achieve this, because you’ll know what lengths to go to in order to make it happen.”

David Gaughran on Let’s Get Digital
Was Self-Publishing The Right Decision?
“I would like to look back over the last twelve months and examine the results of that decision, and compare it with what would likely have happened had I decided otherwise.”

Victoria Strauss on Writer Beware! Blog
Vetting an Independent Editor
“How to avoid unqualified or dishonest editors, and make sure the editor or editing service you’re considering is right for you? Here are some common-sense suggestions.”

Mick Rooney on The Independent Publishing Magazine
Independent Publishing: The Game Has Changed But The Values Have Not
“Self-publishing is about harnessing an online presence and the ability to grow that presence and ultimately make it a brand for you or your book.”

Jackie Collins on Jackie’s Blog
On My Decision to Self-Publish. . .
“If you believe your stuff is great, then don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not good enough. Pick yourself up and make some more calls. Network with as many people as you can in the industry. And sweat. Sweat a lot And keep writing!”

Photo by nosha

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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