This Week in the Blogs, April 28 – May 4, 2013

POSTED ON May 5, 2013

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs, April 28 – May 4, 2013

The last few weeks have been hectic, attending publishing events in three different locations within four weeks. This has left me a bit scattered, but also full of the energy and enthusiasm of all the authors I’ve talked to and consulted with who are making the move into publishing. They have an incredible journey stretching out in front of them. I’ll be writing more about this tomorrow. In the meantime, just because I’m sitting at the airport in Denver doesn’t mean you have to miss the great content I’ve found for you in the blogs this week. It’s a feast.

David Bergsland on The Skilled Workman
Does quality matter in the new publishing paradigm?
“As I have been experiencing, learning, teaching, and writing about on-demand self publishing over the past decade or two … one area of book design has slid right past most of the new authors. This is quality.”

Kimberly Grabas on Your Writer Platform
How to Market a Book and Strengthen Your Author Platform with Goodreads
“Imagine if Amazon purchased this magical realm of high quality, book-buying, book-loving influencers in the spring of 2013, likely leading to big opportunities to align your Amazon marketing to this Utopia. If such a paradise existed, would you want to be a part of it?”

K.S. Brooks on Indies Unlimited
Getting the Most out of Smashwords
“My absolute favorite thing about Smashwords is the fact that you can set up your notifications so that each time someone purchases your book(s) – with or without a coupon – you get an email.”

Dineen Miller on Live Write Thrive
Rooted Marketing: Preplanning Your Marketing as You Write Your Novel
“When my novel The Soul Saver was finally picked up by a publisher, I began studying what had worked so well for our nonfiction book and looked for ways to apply it to marketing my novel. What I discovered has now lead to a concept I and my writing partner call Rooted Marketing.”

Lori Culwell on
KDP Select Giveaway, a Case Study
“Yes friends, this is where I tell you about a “Kindle Free Giveaway” promotion that I did—one involving writing five eBooks, performing a ton of setup and headache to get everything formatted correctly, and time spent submitting the giveaway to the various “free eBook” sites in advance. … Granted, most of the case studies I’ve read have been for cookbooks, but I thought I would give this a try and report back.”

Photo by tommyellis

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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