This Week in the Blogs: April 18 – 24, 2010

POSTED ON Apr 25, 2010

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > This Week in the Blogs: April 18 – 24, 2010

This week we’ve got a lot of marketing and more. Every one is a good read, and don’t miss Ken Auletta’s article from the New Yorker to get a new perspective on the ongoing battles at the convergence of media and technology. Have fun.

Penny Sansevieri on Author Marketing Experts Blog
Why Your Book Isn’t Selling
“Here’s a little reality check, mixed with some inspiration and a few ideas to hopefully kick start your momentum!”

Mick Rooney on POD, Self Publishing and Independent Publishing
Distribution or Be Damned?
“Should a publisher ever pay for shelf space in a bookstore, even if the publisher is the author?”

Ranga on BookBuzzr Blog
BookBuzzr Interviews Author April L. Hamilton
“The IndieAuthor Guide is a how-to book that aims to be a comprehensive reference to self-publishing and managing a career as a self-published author. It’s the book I wish had been available when I set out to self-publish.”

Jane Friedman on There Are No Rules
Why You Should Post Your Work Online
“Too many people are afraid of the very thing that could move their career forward and improve their work.”

Richard Curtis on [e-reads]
Publishing 3.0: A World Without Inventory Part 2
“today’s “speculative” publishing model, based on the returnability of unsold books, is no longer viable. It has served us well for the better part of a century. But the digital revolution has created a highly successful, efficient new model relying on pre-ordered and prepaid books printed on demand.”

And for Something from the World of Print . . .

Ken Auletta in The New Yorker
Publish or Perish: Can the iPad topple the Kindle, and save the book business?
“As digital companies begin charging for content, they are met in the middle by old-media companies looking for ways to charge for what they produce. The incentives for old and new media to form partnerships seem to converge.”

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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