The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide

POSTED ON Dec 18, 2014

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Writing > The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide

Thank you!

When I announced my new book on Tuesday and asked you to go pre-order the book, you responded. Here’s the proof:

self publishing

Yep, The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide rocketed to #1 and #2 in two of my target categories.

Just with preorders. Only a few people have even seen the book up until now.

Thanks to you.

Now it’s publication date, and I’m very excited to get this book into the hands of the people who need it the most—authors starting to look around for the resources, vendors, and products they’ll need to move them along the publishing journey and get their books to market.

And not just any books. As always, I’m focused on helping you create well-made, industry-standard books to educate, entertain, and enlighten your readers. That’s what I do.

“An essential reference to the best publishing resources for every self published author. Highly recommended!”
Mark Coker, Smashwords founder

I love bringing you great writing, like yesterday’s post on the state of play in the world of ebooks, to the dozens of nuts-and-bolts articles that appear hear on editing, book marketing, book design and production, ISBNs, book distribution, copyright, and all the other topics we cover specifically for indie authors.

Now I want to ask something from you in return.

A Great Resource for All Self-Publishers

I took this project on at the suggestion of my coauthor Betty Sargent, because I knew just how useful it would be. Imagine, a whole ebook full of hundreds of curated, verified live links to easy-to-find resources you’ll need to publish your book.

“Independent authors need a team to help create a fantastic finished product, and finding the right people can be a challenge when you first start out. This book will help authors to locate professionals to edit, publish and market their work–helping them to stand out in the crowded marketplace.”
Joanna Penn, The Creative Penn

At the retail price of $7.99, this can be one of the best purchases you make when you decide to get into indie publishing.

One way you can help is by helping us make the Resource Guide a better book. We’re actively soliciting contributions from readers for people who should be listed in upcoming editions, and we’ll continue to update the ebook version regularly.

If you have a listing to send us, we’ve set up a special form here: Listing Submissions

“I wish this guide existed when I started self-publishing. It outlines the process beautifully, directs you where to go and saves months of research. A treasure chest I plan to open often.”
Jason Matthews, How to Make, Market and Sell Ebooks

But there’s more.

Can you help? Here are some things you can do:

  • Let your Facebook friends, LinkedIn contacts, and Pinterest followers know about the book
  • Send a Tweet to your friends, fans, and followers to let them know about the book and our awesome launch offer (See below)
  • Write a review of the book on your blog
  • Arrange to sell this book at your next writer’s conference or publishing workshop (Contact me for more info)
  • Tell people in your writer’s group or publishing organization about the book
  • Contact me to arrange a bulk purchase at a deep discount for your class, workshop, or presentation on self-publishing
  • Link to the book’s page on your favorite retailer’s site, there’s a full list below
  • Link to the site for the book:
  • Buy the book for yourself or for an author friend for the holidays

What’s In It For You—My Incredible Launch Offer

You know me, I just can’t let an opportunity go by without offering something in return.

During our launch period, ending January 11, 2015, we’ll be offering every buyer of The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide a $15 coupon to use on, where we have pre-designed book interiors for Microsoft Word and Adobe InDesign as well as tools like our Media Kit for Indie Authors that will help you publish better, faster, and smarter.

Yep. Invest $7.99, get $15 back.

How do you get your coupon?

Simply email me your purchase confirmation or sales receipt showing the title of the book, and I’ll immediately send you a coupon code to use on our site, saving you $15.

Email your receipts to: [email protected]

Use this email only for sending a purchase confirmation or sales receipt.
For questions about the program or problems, email [email protected] and we’ll help out.

“This short-cut to the top pros—editors, designers, marketers, bloggers, distributors—is just exactly what we’ve all been waiting for. This book is a must-have for any author or publisher!”
Penny Sansevieri, Author Marketing Experts

More Launch Goodness

We’ve got a lot of activities planned over our launch period, some to give you gifts, some to provide more education about the whole process of finding and hiring people to help you publish. Right now you can participate in our Goodreads giveway:

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Self-Publisher's Ultimate Resource Guide by Joel Friedlander

The Self-Publisher’s Ultimate Resource Guide

by Joel Friedlander

Giveaway ends December 23, 2014.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Purchase the Book

This is a book you’ll want to have next to you as you plan your upcoming book productions, and one that makes a great and affordable gift for other authors. So go buy it already.

Here are all the retailer links, so pick your favorite and buy the book today. I strongly recommend the ebook, since all the links in the book are live and active:

I want to thank Betty Sargent for partnering with me on this project, her team for working so hard on the research that went into the book, and to Shelley Sturgeon, Tracy Atkins, and Kate Tilton who are a great team to have on my side.

And most of all, thank you for making it all possible.

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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