Have you ever wondered what makes one indie author more successful than another? It’s possible that one wrote a better book or another devised a fabulous idea. It could even be that an author with a not-so-great book mastered the art of marketing. More than likely,...
By Jason Matthews “Knowing what you know now…” I work with new writers online and at events. They ask a myriad of smart questions including this one: how would you publish differently if you did it all over again? As the saying goes, hindsight is 20-20. I’d do dozens...
By Jason Matthews I remember feeling liberated after publishing my first novel on Amazon and Smashwords. Almost miraculously, within the first hours of release a few sales happened. This came after years of investing effort, tears and money to get the novel written,...
By Jordan E. Rosenfeld (@JordanRosenfeld) We had a great response from Jordan Rosenfeld’s article here last month about why authors would want to form a writers’ collective, but many of you had questions about how to do it. Today, we’re very pleased...
By Jordan E. Rosenfeld (@JordanRosenfeld) If you’ve never heard of writers’ collectives before, or if you know about them but wanted to learn more, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this terrific article by Jordan Rosenfeld. You’re interested in...