Self-Publishing: Carnival of the Indies Issue #10

POSTED ON Jul 31, 2011

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing > Self-Publishing: Carnival of the Indies Issue #10

Welcome to this issue of the Carnival of the Indies blog carnival. This issue is for July, 2011. We welcome your submissions on topics related to writing, self-publishing, book design or marketing books.

A collection of outstanding articles recently posted to blogs, your reading here will be richly rewarded.

See the end of this post for links to submit your blog posts for the next carnival, or for participating Bloggers and Featured Bloggers to grab your sidebar badges. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Featured Posts

Allison MoonAllison Moon presents 90 Days of Self Publishing – VIDEOS posted at Tales of the Pack, saying, “I’m an indie author who will be self publishing my first novel in October. I’m cataloging the process of getting my book to print through a set of daily devotional videos, discussing what I’m working on that day. I’m 16 days in so far, and would love to share what I’ve learned with you..”

blogs for self-publishersDave Bricker presents A World Without Borders – The End of The Bookstore posted at The One Hour Guide to Self-Publishing, saying, “In the wake of Borders’ bankruptcy, I’ve read various theories about what led to the bookseller’s demise. Monday morning quarterbacking inevitably follows someone else’s failure; it’s easy to stand at the curb and analyze the tire tracks, but Borders’ crash had little to do with pilot error. In the span of a few years, books changed, publishing changed, printing changed and bookselling changed. Their time had simply come.”

Isabel AndersIsabel Anders presents Publishing Tables Turned posted at Blogging Authors, saying “When the tables are turned, the situation has changed giving the advantage to the party who had previously been at a disadvantage. That is the meaning of the idiom “tables turned.” The meaning of recent new developments in the book publishing world, however, are slowly being interpreted by all of those affected. A lot of the practical implications haven’t dawned on us yet.”

Book design and production

Steven Lewis presents Self-publishers need to start minding their manners posted at Taleist.

Laura Pepper Wu presents Mistakes I made Designing my Book Cover | Book Cover Design posted at Because Books Don’t Sell Themselves | Laura Pepper Wu, saying, “This article chronicles the mistakes I made the first time I designed my book cover. It was an attractive design, but failed to adhere to the new rules of book design – standing out in the digital market place. Using expert advice on book design from other Indie publishers I produced a more effective and attention grabbing book cover.”

E-books and E-book Readers

Dana Lynn Smith presents 6 Reasons Why You Need to Publish Ebooks posted at The Savvy Book Marketer.

Indie Author

Toni presents 4 Ways to Get Involved in the Online Writing Community posted at Duolit, saying, “When you bring your writer career online, it can feel a lot like standing in the middle of Times Square on New Year’s Eve. You look around and see people everywhere, but none of them give you a second glance. How do you connect with those all around you?”

Carol Morgan presents Second Novels and Old Lovers posted at Carol Morgan, saying, “Writing a second novel is like taking on a new lover when you’re not over the old one……”

Patricia de Hemricourt presents L.J. Sellers : The Interview posted at ePublishing a Book, saying, “L.J. Sellers has experienced both life as a published writer and life as a self-published writer and found fame in one of these two worlds. She shares her experiences with us.”

Marketing and Selling Your Books

Laura Pepper Wu presents 7 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Author Website posted at Because Books Don’t Sell Themselves | Laura Pepper Wu, saying, “Websites and blogs are expected of authors (as well as every other business owner/ retailer) these days. A site doesn’t have to be anything complicated. But it does need to include certain elements. Here are the 7 most important aspects of an author website from my experience. All are easy to implement.”

Tony Eldridge presents How To Get Your Book Reviewed: By Megalith posted at Marketing Tips For Authors, saying, “Getting your book reviewed by an established book reviewer can do a lot for its exposure. In this post, veteran online reviewer, Megalith, gives you the inside scoop for having the best chances at getting your book accepted for review.”

Alexander M Zoltai presents Book Promotion & Social Networking Frenzy ~ Pondering Google+ posted at Notes from An Alien.

Christine Frost presents Marketing As An Independent Author posted at Her Raven Domain: Blog of Author Christine Frost, saying, “An article about marketing tips based on notes from conference about using social media and technology.”

David Robinson presents E-book Pricing Rules? What Rules? posted at David Robinson.

Jacob Duchaine presents Do It Yourself Distribution 101 posted at The Writer Tank Journal.

Patricia presents How to publish a book? | ePublishing a Book posted at ePublishing a Book.

Nick Daws presents Google+ for Writers – Initial Impressions posted at Nick Daws’ Writing Blog.

Self-Publishing Success

Fiona Leonard presents Should old writers just get out of the way and let the new ones through? posted at A Fork in the Road, saying, “It’s an amazing time to be a new author. Around the globe authors are exploring opportunities – some are succeeding, others are hitting their heads against brick walls…”

Writing Tools & Tips

Toni presents Turn Summer Reading into Summer Writing Inspiration posted at Duolit, saying, “On the beach, by the lake, or in your home, few things are more enjoyable on warm summer days than the comfort of a great read. But how can we turn that summer comfort into writing inspiration?”

Lovelyn Bettison presents Write What You Love posted at

How to Take Part in the Carnival of the Indies

Well, that wraps up this issue. I hope you enjoy some of the great articles here, and let other people interested in self-publishing know about the Carnival—Use the share buttons below to Tweet it, Share it on Facebook, Link to it! The next issue is August 27, 2011 and the deadline for submissions will be August 20, 2011. Don’t miss it! Here are all the links you’ll need:

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Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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