No Time To Write AND Market Your Book? This Should Help…

POSTED ON Jan 7, 2019

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Book Production, Marketing > No Time To Write AND Market Your Book? This Should Help…

Every New Years I talk to authors who have big writing and publishing plans for the new year. And yes, as you know, most of them never pan out. Does that happen to you, too?

This is all too common, and I think it’s partly due to an assumption many of us have that writing should be a free and untrammeled expression of our unique identity.

But successful writings know that you also have to approach writing with purpose and a plan if you want to succeed.

That’s why I decided to turn this space over to my colleague (and collaborator on the Book Launch Toolkit) Kimberely Grabas.

Kim is one of the most organized people I know, and understands the challenges of being an indie author.

To help you get that work-in-progress moving forward, she’s put together a unique, reasonably-priced resource that may just be the answer to your dreams.

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In the hope that 2019 will be all you imagine, here’s Kim’s story:

Are you feeling completely overwhelmed when it comes to figuring out what needs to get done (and when!) in order to build your online presence and market your book?

Wasting time on endless to-dos and tactics that don’t really seem to be getting you anywhere?

Setting big writing goals and then having no clue how to actually break them down so you can achieve them?

If you’re struggling to build your platform AND still find time to write (without pulling your hair out), I may have the answer…

Why You’re Falling Short of Your Writing and Marketing Goals

The most common reasons I’ve seen that cause writers to fall short of their goals are simply not making the most of the time they have available to them, not knowing where
to focus their efforts to be most effective, and not nailing that thing called mindset.

To attain any level of success, you need to know not just what your goals are, but why they are – what are the big-picture reasons behind the goals you choose?

Every author needs to develop a strategy that considers:

  • Where you are now (your mindset, your strengths and weaknesses, your purpose and your competitive advantage)
  • Where you are going (your mission, vision, goals and objectives)
  • How you plan to get there (your creative direction, book marketing, launch planning and sales strategy, writing schedule and production, network and relationship building and resource management)
  • And how you will know when you’ve achieved what you set out to do (tracking/ reviewing your progress, performance indicators, and your creative or financial results)

If you don’t address these four things, your writing career will continue to flounder.

Everything You Need to Determine, Plan and Execute Your Writing Goals – Without the Constant Overwhelm

If you’d like some help developing a strategy that incorporates the above, and a catalyst to achieving your biggest writing goals, I’ve got you covered.

I’ve spent over two years developing and testing Believe, Plan, Act: A Platform + Productivity Planner for Writers, spurred on by the frustration and overwhelm of writers just like you, struggling to gain traction and build a career around their work.

I knew there had to be a way to streamline the process, improve focus and efficiency and empower writers to take an active role in both the creative and business aspects of their writing career.

So I created a complete author business planning system, designed to specifically address the needs of writers, and to help you build the foundational elements of your platform and author business – everything from clarifying your creative and career goals, to strategic marketing, launch planning, and developing your author brand.

Now, to be clear, this is not a course. It’s a strategic, actionable and transformational planning tool to help you focus on the results you’re after and the reasons you want to achieve them.

It will help you map out:

  • what you do, why you do it, and who you do it for
  • your creative and career goals
  • your financial and sales goals
  • your marketing and business plan(s)
  • your book launch plan(s)
  • your network and relationship building strategy
  • your social media campaigns
  • strategic platform planning in 30 and 90 day stretches

… and more!

This printable planning system contains 290+ guided worksheets and planning pages, arranged into three thoughtfully planned sections to help you head into 2019 with a well-calculated game plan.

BELIEVE // Purpose. Vision. Goals.

In the first section of the Planner, we’ll break down what it really takes to achieve what you want, by critically examining what you perceive to be your limitations, embracing both your strengths AND your weaknesses, and learning how to get your mind right for the challenges ahead.

PLAN // Review. Prioritize. Strategize.

Next, you’ll assess the current status of your author business and what you’re up against. This will help you measure the distance between where you are and where you want to be.

Here, we’re looking for the fastest, simplest way to reach your goals, and mapping out a plan of action to get you there.

ACT // Schedule. Track. Evaluate.

You’ll then start breaking down your plans and strategies into 90 day and 30 day action plans. Daily, weekly and/or monthly planning pages (organized the way you like), will allow you to focus your efforts and track your progress, so you can stop wasting your time doing things that aren’t helping you achieve your goals.

It’s all on a platform that you’ll love (Teachable), which allows you to purchase the Planner once, but continue to have access to updates and improvements (as I use your feedback to tweak it to perfection).

You can find all the details, including valuable bonuses and a complete breakdown of exactly what’s included in each of the three sections of the Platform + Productivity Planner, right here:

Click here for all the details: Believe, Plan, Act: A Platform + Productivity Planner for Writers

And for a limited time, you’ll also receive a 10% discount – so if this feels right, don’t wait! (Your discount will be automatically applied by using this link.)


If you want to create a solid action plan that maximizes your impact and grows your writing career, know exactly how to prioritize what needs to get done (and when), and get yourself motivated on a daily basis, the Platform + Productivity Planner will be your new secret weapon.

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Questions? Go ahead and leave them in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to clarify.


Kimberley Grabas is a Canadian writer, entrepreneur and the founder of, where she provides writers with the resources, tools and inspiration they need to build their platform, engage their fans and sell more books. Download her free eBook, The Quick Start Guide to Building Your Writer Platform.

This is an affiliate promotion. I’m promoting it because I believe writers would get a lot more done with a bit of planning, and considering how economical it is, most any writer should be able to put Kim’s very effective tool to work.

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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