One of the blogs I follow is from Nathan Bransford, literary agent at the San Francisco office of Curtis Brown Ltd.
Nathan came up with a terrific idea: contribute to Heifer International, a favorite charity, for each comment to his blog. This has resulted, the last time I looked, in over 350 comments. He invited other bloggers to do the same, and I’m happy to help out too.
Here’s what Nathan had to say:
You may have already heard of Heifer International, an organization that works to fight hunger by giving needy families around the world and in the United States livestock, training, or other assistance that helps improve their livelihood. Heifer has been recognized for its work in Fast Company and Forbes, among other places.
I know we’re going through tough economic times, but if you have anything to spare this holiday season I hope you’ll consider making a donation.
My Response
Here’s how it works. Leave a comment here on with:
- Your name
- Where you are from
- Your wishes for 2010
For each comment that’s left, I’ll donate to Heifer International $1.00, with a maximum of $100 total. So go ahead and comment away. I’ll count all comments by unique visitors until December 31, 2009 and then close the comments and send off my check.
Thanks for helping out.