MyIdentifiers for Self-Publishers: 10 Essential Services to Consider

POSTED ON Sep 5, 2023

Shannon Clark

Written by Shannon Clark

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If you are somewhere on the learning curve of self-publishing, then you’ve probably come face-to-face with ISBNs, barcodes, and other necessary pieces of the publishing puzzle. A simple browser search for the term “buy ISBN” loads tons of suppliers, but who can you trust?

One of the names you’ll see at the top of search results is Bowker. is the website for Bowker Identifier Services which serves the US and Australian markets directly. The Bowker brand has been around since 1872 and includes the official US ISBN agency. The company serves both traditional and self-publishers with products and services to meet their needs.

When you are self-publishing, trying to figure out all of the moving parts of the process can be a challenge. In this article, we’ll take a look at what MyIdentifiers offers, their prices, and alternatives to their services. Ultimately, as a self-publisher, every choice made for your book matters. We’ve created this article to help you make an informed decision.

MyIdentifiers: What Is It?

According to the company website, provides publishers with tools and resources to purchase and assign book identifiers such as ISBNs, SANs, DOIs and others available through Identifier Services. provides a host of discoverability services and solutions for publishers including automated tools to update or add to their title listings in Bowker’s Books In Print databases.

What Does MyIdentifiers Offer?

Myidentifiers offers the following options to help you with your book, your visibility (SEO), and your publishing goals.

1. ISBNs

ISBNs are crucial because they help you with the commercial success of your book. When a reader wants a new book to read, an ISBN helps publishers, bookstores, and libraries find the book, order it, and track sales. They even help determine reading levels. Your book’s ISBN gives readers a way to understand the book’s format, edition, and publisher. The MyIdentifiers website says “Buying an ISBN is a big step toward ensuring a book’s commercial success because it enables more efficient marketing and distribution of your title.”

MyIdentifiers - ISBN parts

2. Barcodes 

Every book that is sold through retail outlets requires a barcode. Those little white boxes with the black bars located on the back cover of physical books are scannable. Each barcode contains information about the book like price, ISBN number, and publisher which helps retailers automate sales, and track inventory.

One of the bonuses of going through MyIdentifers is that “when you get your barcodes from Bowker, the only official US ISBN Agency, you can be sure they meet the latest book publishing industry requirements.”

MyIdentifiers barcode example

According to MyIdentifers you have just three months to register your book once you publish and distribute it. If you don’t, infringement can occur, in which you will need to pay attorney fees. This can get messy fast, so using MyIdentifier to help you out may be a good option. 

4. eBook Creation 

Their eBook Creator Suite offers three packages depending on the type of document you upload (i.e., Word Doc, PDF, InDesign, Children’s Books) Each package includes reflowable text, hyperlinks and images in the price.

5. Audiobooks

As audiobook sales continue to grow, it makes sense to offer readers the option if it makes sense for your book. On the MyIdenfiers website you can access DeepZen, an autobook creator that uses AI generated narration and choose between managed or automated services.

6. Editing

Editing is one of the most important steps in creating a professional book. On the MyIdentifiers’ website you can request a quote directly from Foreword editorial services for copyediting or developmental editing.

7. Marketing 

Whether you need an author website, a press release, electronic sell sheet or something else marketing related, the MyIdentifer’s website offers a suite of marketing support for self-publishers.

8. Cover Design

Your book’s cover is the first thing that a potential buyer sees, so you want it to be eye-catching. MyIdentifiers offers cover design services through S4Carlisle. You can select from pre-made templates or request a custom design.

9. Classes on Marketing, Self-Publishing, and SEO

Getting your book printed and set up for distribution is not enough. You have to find the best ways to get it into the hands of your readers. Would you like to learn more about marketing your book, SEO or self-publishing in general. You can find a number of classes on the MyIdentifiers’ website to help you get your book into the hands of your readers.

10. Self-Publishing Discount Packages 

The MyIdentiers website currently offers three self-publishing packages (Prime, Premier, and Pro) that bundle many of the above products and services and additional ones that self-publishers may find helpful.

  • 10 ISBNs – Each package offered by MyIdentifiers includes 10 ISBNs.
  • Ebook Creator .doc – Convert your Word Doc to an eBook.
  • 2 Barcodes -This third option allows you to obtain your barcode at the latest book publishing industry standards.
  • QRPlus™ QR Codes -When a QR code is placed in a book, readers can scan it and gain immediate access to an author’s website, social media, or other locations.
MyIdentifiers QR code example
  • CopyrightsNow -The CopyrightsNow app guides you through the copyright registration process easily by eliminating complicated forms so you can complete your registration in minutes. Having a legal copyright in place offers an additional layer of security in the event that legal action for copyright infringement must be taken.
  • Book2look -Similar to many online retailers, Book2Look allows readers to view a sample of the book’s interior pages, but there’s more! This dynamic feature offers access to the book cover, ISBN, description, author’s website or blog, chapter samples, audio/video links, reviews, publisher logo, and unlimited shop links. The platform has had over 125 million views.

How Much Does It Cost?

Here’s a US price list of the current packages and services MyIdentifiers offers. You can find a breakdown of the prices on the website. For Australia’s prices, consult their website.

MyIdentifiers pricing table

Alternatives To MyIdentifiers

When deciding on the best strategy for your book, looking at what other companies are offering and comparing service options can give you better insight into what will work for you.

There are many companies online that offer bundled services for self-publishers. Below, you’ll find a selection of a few of the more popular ones, but the list is not exhaustive. It’s just a starting point. We always recommend that you do your research and select the best option for you.

Archangel Ink

Archangel Ink partners with self-publishers to support their books journey through the book development stages. Their services include everything from ghostwriting, editing and design of both print and eBooks to audiobook development and printing. They offer three packages—The Executive, Launch Like a Boss and The Polished Professional with a long list of options to meet your needs.  


Like MyIdentifiers, ,Book Baby offers ISBNs, marketing services, audiobook creating, editing and book design, but unlike MyIdentifers, you can also print and distribute the book with their company. Unlike MyIdentifiers a-la-carte approach, Book Baby’s focus is on building your book from the ground up. If you want to use a single company for all of your book’s needs, their options might be worth exploring.

Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press is another self-publisher “done for you” service provider. Similar to the services options listed under MyIdentifiers, Archangel Ink, and BookBaby, like design, editing, marketing support, and audiobook creation, the company also offers unlimited worldwide distribution.

Take Your Next Step Today

Now more than ever, writing and publishing your book is within reach. Gone are the days of relying on big publishers to decide whether your book deserves to be read. Traditional publishing has its place , but it is no longer the gold standard of publishing.

If you want to write and publish a book on your own, you can! The playing field of book publishing has been leveled thanks to companies like Bowker ( and others that give self-publishers access to everything they need in one place to publish their books.

This article offers a solid overview of what to look for in a company when you are searching for book publishing support. Every company has its pros and cons, but ultimately, the best company for you is the one that provides the services you need at a budget you can afford.

Note: Make good customer service a priority. You’ll need it when those pesky publishing questions pop up.

While publishing a book may feel like a lofty goal, it is absolutely possible. Just do your research. Ask questions, and remember that if others can do it, you can too.

The only obstacle standing between you and starting your writing career is the decision to take that first step. We hope to see you join the ranks of published authors one day soon!

Shannon Clark

Written by
Shannon Clark

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