#indiechat Book Launch: An Evening in Tweets

POSTED ON Jun 19, 2013

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

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Have you ever taken part in a Twitter chat?

A Twitter chat is a live, scheduled event organized around a hashtag, which is a bit of metadata that people add to their posts by putting a pound sign in front of a keyword, like this: #books.

Using hashtags allows others to find your posts when searching for a specific subject, something that’s very handy in the nonstop flow of millions of tweets that continues around the clock.

So if you schedule a specific time, as BiblioCrunch does for its weekly #indiechat, everyone who wants to participate just needs to log into Twitter and search for their #indiechat hashtag.

I was invited to be the guest at yesterday’s #indiechat and it was quite a bit of fun. The subject was book launches, the tweets were flying by very fast. Before I knew it the hour was up.

Here’s a selection of the tweets that made up this fast-paced, engaging, and informative event. If you’d like to participate, just log into Twitter on any Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time and search for #indiechat. You’ll run into Miral Sattar (@MiralSattar) who moderates the chat, and Kate Tilton (@K8Tilton) who takes care of many of the details.

For archives of past #indiechats, check out the BiblioCrunch Storify archive.

I used HootSuite to set up a filtered stream that only showed tweets tagged with #indiechat. This makes it really easy to follow the conversations that spring up while the chat is going on, too.

Next Tuesday tune in, it’s bound to be lots of fun and very informative. Do Twitter chats appeal to you?

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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