Since I started blogging this fall nothing has impressed me more than the people I’ve met through blogs, social media, and in the publishing community in the San Francisco Bay Area.
In the meantime, for a good read head over to the newly-redesigned Self-Publishing Review and check out my article on Deconstructing Bembo: Typographic Beauty and Bloody Murder. It was great fun to write and I hope you’ll enjoy it too.
Kindle Kind of News
In other news, is now available for subscription on Kindle.
While browsing the latest articles on Publetariat, I came across the blog post from Stephen Windwalker on 21 Steps: How to Publish a Kindle Blog (And Why You Might Want To….)
Intrigued, I read through the steps. Although it looked like a lengthy process, Stephen had indicated exactly what you need to do in exhaustive detail, so I gave it a try.
In about 20 minutes (forget that 15 minute estimate, Stephen) I had established an account, verified my blog’s feed, uploaded a couple of graphics, and gotten the greenlight from Amazon. The blog should appear in the Kindle store or wherever you go for such things within the next couple of days.
Amazon sets the prices for the subscriptions, but they look to be very reasonable. If any readers are Kindle-owners, see if you can find the blog listing and let me know.
Enjoy the holiday, see you in the new year.