Happy Labor Day (U.S.) and Labour Day (Canada)

POSTED ON Sep 4, 2017

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Writing > Happy Labor Day (U.S.) and Labour Day (Canada)

Well, it’s Labor Day here in the U.S., one of our national holidays when banks, government offices, schools and financial markets are closed. Labor Day also marks:

  • The unofficial end of the summer season, and
  • The beginning of the national political campaign.

Schools are back in session but off for the day, and we all tend to gather at friend’s and family’s houses for an end-of-summer barbecue. There are parades, parties and lots of sports events.

If you’re new here, I’d like to offer you a few links that you’ll find interesting:

Have fun, and I’ll see you back here on Wednesday.

photo credit: karen horton via photo pin cc

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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