The Search is On: The Future of Ink Top 10 Self-Publishing Blogs Contest

POSTED ON Nov 10, 2012

Joel Friedlander

Written by Joel Friedlander

Home > Blog > Self-Publishing, Social Media > The Search is On: The Future of Ink Top 10 Self-Publishing Blogs Contest

Ellen Britt and Denise Wakeman, who operate The Future of Ink blog, have announced a new contest to find the “Top 10 Best Self-Publishing Blogs.”

Hey, that’s a great idea. I’ve put together my own list of the best self-publishing blogs, but it is in serious need of updating, something we’ll be taking on early in 2013.

Here’s what they have to say:

“We need your help to find the ‘best of the best’ blogs specifically for online entrepreneurs who are looking for information about self-publishing. To that end we’re launching a contest and invite you to nominate your favorite blog for self-publishers.”

Here are the criteria they’ll be using:

  1. “the quality of their content;
  2. the frequency of their posts;
  3. reader involvement; and,
  4. their blog’s ranking.”

Now, there are a lot of contests online and I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to them, but this one caught my eye because one of the judges is Guy Kawasaki, someone I have a lot of respect for. I’ve also followed other blogs by Denise, and I know she is a very experienced online marketer.

This contest is a great opportunity for your voice to be heard.

When I got started blogging there wasn’t much reliable information on self-publishing online. Now there are hundreds of sites.

Some of them are great and I’m sure I read a lot of the same blogs you do. These blogs exist because of the hard work and dedication of the bloggers, and their determination to help you on your publishing journey.

So whichever blog is your favorite one of all, I encourage you to go over to The Future of Ink and vote.

All you have to do is leave a comment, and it’s a great way to let the bloggers you trust and rely on know just how much you appreciate them.

Here’s the link again:

The Future of Ink Top 10 Self-Publishing Blog Contest.

Nominations are open until November 16, 2012.

Photo credit: Just Us 3 via photopin cc

Joel Friedlander

Written by
Joel Friedlander

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