Author in the Headlights Syndrome is common when you realize you will be doing the majority (or all) of the book marketing for your book.
Judith Briles
Don’t Reinvent the Publishing Wheel … Discover the Freedom of Repurposing
By Judith Briles Not a week goes by when I don’t get an email or a phone call with an “I don’t know what to write about” statement from an author. Some who are in the newbie realm; others who have been publishing for years. The subject could be a blog. Adding to the...
Book Marketing Insanity
Authors often don’t want to hear what works to sell books. If you want books sales, doing repeatedly what doesn’t work is book marketing insanity.
What’s in Your Signature?
Your “signature” is everywhere–in profiles, blogs, articles, your sent emails, you name it. What it says, conveys a lot.
Why Authors Need a “Canned” Introduction
When giving a presentation, your introduction is the “set up” to you and your message. Wouldn’t you like it to be perfect?
9 Mental “Tools” for Writing When the Clock is Ticking … and Beyond
If your creative brain just doesn’t want to keep time as the OMG hour approaches, here’s 9 mental “tools” for writing when the clock is ticking.
Meet the Super Fan: The Secret Sauce Authors Want
I live in Colorado, a mecca for sports fans. Fans matter … and as an author, you want them to starting sprouting. So how do you create Super Fans?
Is Perfection an Art … or Author Sabotage?
Are you fiddling while your book-to-be does a slow burn? Are you working on creating the perfect book? Perfection is a myth.
Who Belongs on Your Book Acknowledgment Page? (15 Ideas)
Acknowledgments are usually one of the last items on the book publishing “to do” list … the Thank Yous to the friends, family members, and the team that supported and assisted you in creating your masterpiece. Most books have an Acknowledgment page but do you need one?
Why Authors Should Be Speaking on Their Books … Their Expertise
Welcome to my world–one that has created book sales that exceed $2,000,000; and generated over $3,000,000 in speaking fees. Yes, you can make money with your ideas, with the words that spill out of your mouth.
Is Social Media a Time Suck in Your Day?
The time and energy that goes into of social media can be a royal time suck. Here’s how you can control the time you spend on social media sites.
Is There a Writing Mulligan in Your Midst?
When you feel drained of words, and what you are now beginning to think of as the “dreaded blog” is due the next day, how about giving yourself a second chance … a Writing Mulligan?