Frances Caballo


Facebook Ads: Should Indie Authors Buy Them?

Facebook Ads: Should Indie Authors Buy Them? by Frances Caballo explains the recent changes to your Facebook news feed and what strategies you should use to gain the biggest impact for your Facebook ads.

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15 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Self-Published Writers

15 Must-Follow Twitter Accounts for Self-Published Writers by Frances Caballo explains why another step to a writer’s content-marketing strategy should be to follow influential social media and self-publishing bloggers such as Jane Friedman, Joanna Penn and David Gaughran.

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How Twitter Hashtags Help Authors Find Readers

By Frances Caballo (@CaballoFrances) I met Frances at our local BAIPA meetings, where she is the Social Media Advisor for the group. She has just published a very useful book for writers who want to get up to speed with social media marketing. Here she shows how...

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